Messages 2023
The Time Grows Short
November 30th, 2023
Running Springs, CA, U.S.A.
Received by Al Fike
When there is peace, God is there. When there is harmony, the expression of God’s creation is in synchronisation with the ebb and flow of life. When there is joy, souls are awakened and express that joy readily. I am Samuel and I come to encourage you to be in peace, joy and harmony.
These three things are indicative of the conditions that God wishes for all humanity to be in at all times. This is what is meant for your world, for all of you beautiful souls upon it. To live in peace, to be in joy, and to express harmony together and toward your world. How is this accomplished, my beloved friends? It is accomplished through your efforts to grow your soul. That very center of yourself that is in need of its connection, its relationship with God. As you pray, you are beseeching God to open the portals, the connection. As you open yourself to God, then all comes in accordance with your desires and efforts.
I know that many of you understand these concepts well. You have studied many things. You have heard many messages and read them. Yet to come together in peace, quietness, to be together in joy and harmony, is often difficult because you are a part of the world that clamours and continues to be in that frenetic state of action and reaction.
Instead, you must stop and be within the peace of God’s Presence. This is true prayer. This is the true condition that is required. Can you make this happen for yourself? Whether you are alone or in a group such as this, to truly be in that state of grace. To truly know your own soul and express yourselves through your soul.
This is our teaching, so simple and profound. Yet it is often the most difficult thing for you. To step forward into the light and release all conditions of the material. To be in harmony together, not just in singleness of mind but in singleness of soul, a condition of unity, each soul singing its song, its beautiful expression to God.
Together you make a wondrous symphony of longing and expression. That God may hear this beautiful music of the soul and that God may respond with the wondrous music of His Soul. Together, is the co-mingling of beautiful notes, beautiful thoughts, and beautiful expressions deep within you. God answering through the mechanism of the Holy Spirit, to each of you and all of you, so that you feel the upliftment. You feel the peace that passes all understanding. You know the glory of God’s Love as a powerful thing. An entity unto itself, given as a gift to your soul. When you come together like this, is this not the most important and profound element of your gathering? Is this not what you seek and desire? Is this not the greatest blessing to be given?
We may give you messages, words that describe technical, metaphysical matters, and aspects of the universe. This your mind will feed upon ravenously, excitedly. Is this the way of soul? No, my brethren, it is the way that humanity has expressed itself since the beginning. Yet has this improved the condition of human soul and being? No, my beloveds, you continue to walk that journey of degradation and disharmony. The expressions of emotions and aspects of your being that you have created through many, many generations. It is time to put aside this condition. This aspect of humanity that you so cherish. Even though you may think “no, I am not a part of this. I want something greater.”
Indeed, within your soul is a true longing for this, but in your actions and in your thoughts, in who you are and how you are in the world, you contradict this longing often. Yet here you are, my brethren. Here you are, in soulful longing, in unity and desire for something higher, for the great truth of love. You come together to express this in your effort of love and you are answered in light.
My question to you, beloved souls: “How often may we build you up?” Build you up again and again. Then you turn from this condition and continue to prattle on in your daily lives, expressing what is a contradiction to this truth. I do not suggest that you are hypocrites. I merely suggest that you do not see clearly and succinctly that which is an expression of your soul-felt longings and prayers to God.
If you are to be with God, then be with God. If you are to express the truth, then you must express the truth. This middle ground that you walk upon, so common, so very human, is in need of rectification, and is in need of the drawing of truth around you and within you, the expression of truth with every breath.
I know it is difficult. I know it challenges much within you. I know it is necessary to be vigilant and to monitor your own thoughts, actions and expressions. This is something that many, many of your brothers and sisters refuse to do. They are content in the greyness of life. In this condition that continues to sustain some love but, in many cases, great pain.
We beseech you, beloved souls, we beseech you, to truly be in harmony with God. To truly live what it is you know is truth, and to be that soul immersed and expressive of love. I know you try. You try very hard to be in that condition. I know there are tremendous forces around you that distract you and carry you into a condition that is not an expression of truth and love.
We persist with you, my beloveds. We only ask that you persist within yourself. That with each day is further progress. That with each day you continue to put aside those old patterns and conditions, and adopt and express the simple truth in everything that you are and everything that you do.
Our love for you is great. God’s Love for you is beyond measure. All the resources that you require in order to be that light, to be that beautiful soul, are arrayed around you every moment of your lives. Take advantage of what is given, commit yourself to what you know is true, and be that light in the world.
God awaits this. For He needs true and pure lights in order for His plan for the salvation of humanity to be effective and to touch many souls. Are you willing? Are you truly a part of this? This great effort, this great movement, toward light, truth and love. A shift of consciousness so necessary, so required within each of you and within the world.
Be the forerunners, my beloved friends. Be the harbingers of truth, be the examples, be the light. You will reap the rewards as you continue to grow and flourish in the truth of light and love. God bless you my friends. I am Samuel. I come, I know, with a serious message. One which needs to be spoken. One that is important. We are not here to fulfil your mindful ambitions. We are here to teach you of the deeper things of the soul and to encourage you upon this path of truth.
We love you. I love you. We are there for you, all of us. The entire Celestial Kingdom prays for you, beloveds. You, on Earth, so that the Earth may be healed, changed and reconciled with God. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you in His Love. I love you. You are loved. God bless you.