Messages 2023
We Pray With You From The Heavens
July 14th, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
I am Matthew and I, too, come to pray with you, to be with you in this Circle of Light, and to pray for the great Gift of God’s Essence to enter your soul, all of our souls. For we have never stopped praying for this Gift, those of us in the Celestial Heavens, and so we join you as you pray to receive.
We are all God’s children. Some of us have progressed further than others. You are new to the world, each of you, even though you may feel mature and that you have had a number of years’ experience upon the Earthly plane but, in fact, you just begin the journey. Many of us in the Celestial Kingdom have been on this path for many hundreds of years, but we are the same, are we not?
Each of us is comprised of a soul, a spirit body, and you have a material body as well. But the journey is the same when it comes to reaching for God, to seek at-onement with our Creator. It comes in the same way. We ask for the same things. It is just that our journey and our experience with God has deepened with time and experience and yours has not deepened as much, but it will. It will.
You will find yourself in the great flow, the great journey of soul at-onement with God, receiving this gift with every prayer. As you receive it, the desire strengthens, the light brightens, and your beautiful souls begin to be affected and in time, transformed by this gift. Many of you feel the effects as you have journeyed forward. I assure you that there is much more that you will experience and know, as the great gift continues to grow within you and open those doors of consciousness and experience and love and joy, the faculties of the soul awakening and the wonderment of this gift, this transformation of love that acts in such a way that it may seem a miracle. In truth it is the gift that God has always wanted His children to have. It is the gift that will bring you closer to God and God closer to you.
Continue to allow the awakening of your souls to bring to you that understanding and experience that will open your consciousness, that will erase any doubt or distance between you and God. He comes at this very moment as the Holy Spirit continues to flow towards you, conveying God’s love to you and to your soul.
Seek this out, beloveds. Seek out all that God has to give, all that is your birthright, all that will heal you and uplift you and transform you. You are doing what God wishes for you to do. You are doing what God wishes for all of humanity to take part in, to seek this gift, and to allow the power of it to erase and dissolve all conditions that are not of love.
It is for you and all the abundance, the eternal flow, the great Touch of God upon you. It is for you, beloveds, each of you worthy, each of you standing forth, seeking, longing, desiring what it is that God wishes to give to you. So we are together in this. We too, desire. We too, want all that God has to give to us. Thus, we are brothers and sisters on the same path, having the same experience.
May you awaken to all it can bring you, the surety, the experience, the truth that erases all doubts and fears and all darkness and aspects that are of the human condition. That someday we may greet you at the entrance of the Celestial Kingdom and embrace you as true brothers and sisters, and escort you into this place so wondrous, so beautiful that we cannot describe it adequately.
It is for you to strive for and experience for yourself. It is awe-inspiring, bringing joy beyond joy, bringing all that is good and of light everlasting. We journey together, beloved souls. I am Matthew and I am your brother on the path, and there are many more who continue to walk with you, to encourage you, to hold your hand and point toward the Great Light, which is the Soul of God. God bless you, beloveds. I love you. I love you dearly. God bless you.