Messages 2023
Welcomes and Opens Laurelville Gathering
October 12th, 2023
Laurelville, PA, U.S.A.
Received by Al Fike
May the peace that passes all understanding be yours, my beloved brothers and sisters, children of the Earth. I come, I am Jesus. I come to open this circle, this time together, that we may be in peace and harmony, that our souls may be open and long for the great inflowing of God’s Love. That we may be further awakened in truth. That we may all know the joy and wonderment of our Heavenly Father’s Touch upon us, the Holy Spirit touching us, awakening us, bringing us to God.
For too long the world has waited for its healing and its awakening. For too long, humanity has acquiesced to its own desires and inclinations that are not of God. Now is the time for the awakening of humanity. So you come together at this time, these moments of prayer, with the hope and the desire that the awakening may take place, that the barriers may fall, that the truth may come alive within each soul upon this world. Each one of you shall know this quickening, this blessing within. As you are together in unity and desire, as you continue to seek, awakening to the truth of your own soul, so you bring the awakening to the world. Even in this small collection of souls, there is the potential to awaken the world. Each of you is His channel, His instrument of light, truth and love, and you may indeed help to open the door to many who are seeking, who are longing.
It is with the manifestation of love through each one of us that others may know the truth. It is not so much in words and declarations, that which comes from a mind seeking recognition or seeking to force open the doors of truth for humanity. It is in your humble desire to serve God, to be with God in His Love, that His plan may be fulfilled. His plan may indeed unfold in such ways and wonders that you cannot possibly see or know at this time. Yet you will see. You will know and you will become awake to all that is in need of knowing and seeing. For within you is the capacity, the ability to know God’s Will, to be a part of God’s plan for the salvation of humanity. But you must come to God in all earnestness and longing. In this way, God will respond with the wonderment, the magnificence of His Touch upon you.
You pray for the fires of love to touch you, for the Pentecost to be yours. So it must come from each of you, in all your earnest longings, in all your desires together. The power of which will bring these blessings forth and open the door to your own awakening, your own soulful transformation so that you are in alignment, in harmony, with your Heavenly Father who longs for your awakened opening of soul toward Him. May your love for God manifest in such a prayer and desire that the door is opened, the channel is complete and the blessings come. I honour each one of you, beloved souls. Each one who has come from many lands and far distances to seek out together the great blessing of God’s Touch, powerful and transformative.
My beloved and beautiful brothers and sisters, you are a part of the awakening that must come to the world. You shall know your part within it. Beloved souls, God has a plan for each of you. A journey you must take, releasing all desires and dedications that involve the material world and to bring yourself to that soulful awareness. That you may be detached from the material desires of humanity and fully engaged in the desires of your soul and the awakening of your soul as God speaks and comes to you to guide, uplift and awaken you all. My beloved and beautiful friends, we are on a journey together. This time that we spend together, that is now so precious, so wonderful, so joyful, so important. In this time you will see many things. You will come to recognise many things that are of God, that are of the soul. In this, you will find your way to that holy communion with your Heavenly Father. The angels have put in great effort. We stand at the ready, to engulf you in love, to awaken you through the Holy Spirit. That you may know, feel, see and awaken to all that is meant to be for each of you.
God has a treasure trove of love for you just waiting to be given. Are you eager, beloved souls? Do you desire this from all your heart and all your soul, receiving these gifts, the beautiful blessings of God? For this is why we are here, beloveds. This is why you have been drawn together, to have such profound blessings that you will truly be changed forever and come to know these truths as you have never known them, to come to recognise yourself as you have never known yourself, to be that changed individual in the light and blessings of God’s Love.
Seek this love and bring the longing forth and know that God is listening, waiting and shall respond in accordance to the depth of your desires, to the true longings of your soul. All else matters not, my beloveds. All else is of little importance. What is important at this time is you and God, all of us in the great light that flows from God, that we may receive and open to its blessing.
God bless you, beloved souls. I am your brother and friend. I am Jesus and I come to welcome you into this sacred place filled with many possibilities, many gifts and blessings. That is given in love, given freely, given abundantly. Seek, seek these gifts.. Seek from the bottom of your hearts to the very essence of your souls, the gift of His Love.
God bless you. I love you. I love each and everyone of you and I know you. I know your souls. I know your longings. I know your desires and I am with you in these blessings. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.
Al’s Vision During the Opening Prayer
Visually it was as if we were walking in a cave. As we walked, the dome of the cave lit up, and eventually it became a sort of a funnel where light was coming through. We were all there under that light. There were three lights, so, the beam that came down split into three. The middle light indicated the blessings that God has given us now together, the work and the efforts that the angels have made to bring us together in this light. And it was beautiful. It was powerful.
But in that there’s a choice, two different directions. One might fulfill all the promises that our angel friends have been giving us regarding this time together. And there are lots of expectations and thoughts of how we all may expand in the Divine Love and be changed by it together. And that is a real possibility, it’s there, waiting for us. But it requires extreme dedication, extreme focus in prayer. It’s not that we can wait and receive. We have to be an active agent for these blessings to come. And of course, as we all know, it comes from our soul’s desire and prayerful efforts. So this indicates one light and one possibility, which is the one I would like to go towards because it is the best and highest outcome.
The other light indicated an outcome which would satisfy our needs for a blessing. We would go away from this group feeling somewhat fulfilled, uplifted, given to and nurtured as we always have been in our retreats. But the transformation, as has been promised, did not take place. And that’s if we sit and expect and are not fully engaged in the process. We each carry a responsibility to bring the highest, the greatest, the most wonderful blessing to each one of us. So we do it for one another. We do it with the longings of our souls. It’s not up here (in the mind). It’s not how many prayers we’ve made and how eloquent they may be. It’s how deep is that longing? How great is that desire to bring the gift of God’s Love so intensely into this room that we will all be changed, irrevocably and profoundly.
We are given a great opportunity here. God has set the stage beautifully. He’s brought us all together as you all know. Despite any problems, we’ve all come together in harmony. We have this beautiful space. We have one another. We’re all friends. We’re all brothers and sisters. We’re all a part of this. So, I urge you all to make the best of what is given, what the possibilities and opportunities are that God is giving us now. Because the world needs this. The world needs us to be that flame to ignite the change. God is working with each one of us to do that. God is giving each one of us an angel to be with us for this whole time. Whether we’re awake or asleep, every moment we have an angel with us. And that is a great gift. It is up to us what we do with what God has given us at this time.
I know we all feel the expectation. We all feel in ourselves that something important is happening here. And indeed it is. But we must add that crucial ingredient with our buy in, so to speak. It isn’t going to happen the way you think, or the way you desire. It’s not that God wants to not give us these blessings. But God can only give those who are pure of heart and strong of desire. That way the channel is open, that way the blessings flow. When each one is ignited then we help to ignite each other. And so the momentum will build, and so the energy will grow, and so the light will be intense. We will know something so profound, so wonderful, that it will be unlike anything we’ve experienced before. That was the promise.
We’re in a cave which represents the human condition. But the light is pouring down on all of us. How much do we want to absorb and how much do we want to reflect that light, that blessing that is given? It doesn’t come from up here (mind), it comes from in here (soul). That’s where the key is. That’s where it all begins. That’s where we need to go, each one of us. We need to encourage each one, all our brothers and sisters to go there in light and joyous acknowledgement. Truly, we are loved by God. That love, as we all know, is the most profound and powerful blessing that we can receive. It will change each one of us, and make us into magnificent human beings, souls in alignment with our Heavenly Father. I hope we can all feel the power of light and know it and be it together. Thank you.
Postscript: Oct.27 2023
I was certainly right in my understanding that we would all experience this retreat in our own way. I believe that some participants were deeply blessed and changed by their experience there while others felt blessed but not in the profound way that we all anticipated. It is difficult for most of us to truly know the workings and experiences of our soul. It was hoped that we would all be carried away in a ‘pentecostal’ type experience that reflected a profound sign from God that we were to enter into the next phase of our soul’s development. This did not happen in a conscious and materially verifiable way but I believe that for many of us we experienced something profound and powerful. Since we all grapple with the dominance of our material minds, the manifestation of a truly spiritual experience was not consciously achieved although I believe that the potential was there to be blessed in this way.
What I saw during our Sunday afternoon prayer confirmed for me that a tremendous blessing was given to all of us. I saw Jesus elevated in the middle of the circle, hands outstretched and giving a powerful prayer not only for us but for the material and spiritual worlds as well. Surrounding him on all sides were spirits and angels in great numbers and diversity. Some were brought in their sleep state to be present, many were there from the lower levels of the earth planes as well as many, many bright spirits. All present were all able to see and witness Jesus in all his glory. He spoke of the power of God’s Love and his countenance demonstrated that power. After he spoke briefly, he let the fullness of the light in his soul shower over all of us. It was a powerful blessing that benefitted many dark spirits who attended. When I talked to my fellow participants about this, many remarked on how the room lit up. Jesus did address us through the medium and talked as well about the glories of God’s Love.
It was a humbling experience and one that I will never forget. It reminded me of some passages in the Padgett books where Jesus appeared in all his glory to many spirits and angels when declaring the truth to James. My only hope was that everyone could have witnessed this event as I did. A few certainly sensed it and saw something to affirm it but I seemed to be the only one who got the whole picture. I know that this will change in the future as we all open up to the reality of soul perception. For now, many of you will have to take my word for it and hopefully be comforted by the fact that someone witnessed this event.
We all act on faith and trust that God has His plans for us. I know that our souls benefited greatly by our mutual prayers in Laurelville. How conscious we become in understanding it is, as always, determined by our ability to be consciously aware of our souls. Our Angel friends continue to stress the importance of allowing ourselves to embrace soul consciousness. Progress can be slow and painstakingly so, but the tipping point will come soon enough. I urge each of us to stay the course and allow the signals and signs from our souls to direct us forward. There is no other way forward than this. With much love and appreciation to all those dedicated to the Divine Love Path.
Al Fike Oct. 27th 2023