Messages 2023
Welcomes Diversity in Universal Divine Love
December 3rd, 2023
Running Springs, CA, U.S.A.
Received by Al Fike
Greetings, my friends, I am Orion. The gifts that each of you possess manifest in different ways. Each of you are unique. Indeed, in this uniqueness, the flow of your abilities and expressions in a spiritual context reflect your soul. For each soul is unique. My friends, I see among you a great variation in perspectives and gifts.
Yet here you come together, drawn together because the Light is here. God’s presence is amongst us. The soul is drawn. For the soul is always drawn to the light, seeks out the light, seeks to be in alignment with God and all that is of God which is light. We have influenced each of you, to a degree, so that you may feel comfortable and drawn to one another.
This is how we work. We work to bring like-minded souls together who are seeking to grow and to combine their efforts for the betterment of humanity and this world. So we continue with this work and we encourage these two dear souls to continue to travel and to connect with many others, for we need those who are willing to be guided and who are in a condition of light that we may work through them.
It is not just us, we who have introduced ourselves and are from a place far off. There are those on the earthly planes, although high above this plane, who also seek to do work through mortals. So we collaborate together, taking our positions, our turns, the opportunities that are created by the Divine to work with many other souls who are seeking, who are moving along a path of light, who can be guided and who are receptive to love. Those who seek this great gift that I have been speaking of, this universal and powerful gift from God, are the easiest to guide and to be with. Because we too possess this gift, we too have a harmony, a synchronicity with those who possess this gift to an adequate degree.
I urge you, my friends, to seek the Divine Love of God, as you call it, to be in harmony with this love, to express it, to grow with it. In this way, everything that you do, all the gifts that you possess, all the efforts that you make in service to humanity, will be amplified and strengthened by this blessing, the gift of Love from God.
Our message is simple. We continue to travel with you in hope that you will be guided and uplifted by us and by others, so many others. That you may come to know us and work with us in a more conscious way. That you may grow in this experience that we share together, these Circles of Light that continue to be established around the world. For this is the saving grace of humanity.
Once humanity learns and understands the power of love to heal and to transform, then they are well on their way to a new world, a world that will be open to many, many truths and understandings, and will be open to many of us from different worlds. The life that humanity will live, will be very different, indeed, from what it is now. For now, your civilisations, your way of life, is on the way out. For it cannot be sustained and you all know this, that you are living on borrowed time. Indeed, the great endeavours of humanity, this cacophony of movement and invention, action and desire, all of these things come together not in harmony, but in disarray and disharmony. Some benefit while many do not. Some have a spiritual life, but many do not. Some have joy and know how to obtain joy, but many do not.
There comes a time when the doors must open to the many, not the few, so that they may make their choices and come to understand what the choice is. That they may come to know the joy and happiness of a life lived in harmony with universal law and with the great Creator of all. No planet is powerful and in harmony without understanding these laws. You live in a unique situation, for these laws and truths are available, yet they are ignored. So ironic, is it not, that humanity has the key to happiness, yet is distracted and would rather live in the semi-light, in the pain and the error than to know the truth and strive toward it?
You see this within yourselves to some degree, knowing how you might improve, how you might be more physically in harmony with yourself. Yet you ignore this, carry on in this way that degrades your body, at times degrades your mind and your overall spiritual condition. This is what being human is and you recognise this. This is not what humanity is meant to be and is meant to strive toward.
Those of you here come together affirming the light, affirming what is good and wholesome and pure. This is a great boon to all of you, sharing your perspectives, sharing your light, sharing your truth. This is what must happen throughout the world, this great and vast world of humanity. There must be communication. There must be an effort to love and accept and embrace one another.
Yes there is a wide variation of thought, of cultures and civilisations. Yet the creative force of humanity has made wondrous things and horrible things. Indeed it is important that you accentuate that which is of light, that which is of harmony. You must strive within yourself and your life to bring greater harmony. You must strive to be an instrument, a channel of love, of harmony, an example for others.
For the world to change, there must be those who have changed, who have seen the dark and the light and have chosen the light, expressing the light wherever they go in whatever way and means and situation they are in. But light must be expressed, truth must be acknowledged, love must flow. This is the key to the regeneration of humanity, to bring harmony and peace to your world and to take those next steps beyond this condition to that of greater light, greater wisdom, greater truth and knowledge.
So much awaits humanity. It is time for the changes to bring the choices, the circumstances that will impress upon humanity in such a way that they will wake up and see what they have created, not only in their personal life but collectively. In this acknowledgment, there will be much pain. Yet there will be great hope. Indeed, within this difficult situation and condition, hope will reign supreme and humanity will set its course toward greater light.
We will be there to assist along with many, many others. Humanity will realise the power of life, the continuity of life, the meaning of life. Each of you is being prepared and educated and blessed deeply so that you may lead the charge toward greater light and truth. That you may do your part in this great plan for the transformation of humanity. It is coming. We have gathered you together to speak of these things, to encourage you along the path that God has designated for each of you, and to tell you that as you grow in light, as you are in greater harmony with truth, so your gifts will flourish, so your true purpose will be revealed. Your capacities to be a channel, a conduit for truth, will increase in accordance and in harmony with the light that you build within you.
The highest light of all, the purest, most powerful, is this great gift of love that our dear friends here speak of. You have been given a truth that is powerful. I urge you, my friends, to explore this truth, to test this truth. When you are satisfied that it is real and valid and powerful, I urge you to live by it, to bring it close to your heart, your consciousness and your soul so that the transformation, the blessing, will have its effects and open you to many more possibilities and gifts that lay within you.
You do not use more than ten percent of your capacities and your gifts. There is so much more that can be expressed, that can run deep within your consciousness and flow forth through you to help humanity along its way. Walk in the light and be a light. This is what we come to do, to teach you this. To walk with you and uphold you in it. For we love you so.
So many beings in the universe have such a capacity for love. They do not judge. They do not condemn anything or anyone. They merely walk in love and walk in a way that that love may flow, influence and uphold you. May you be receptive to these blessings, to this light that is shed upon you and walk through and free in it.
My love is with you. I am Orion. I walk with you and many others to help bring the truth to humanity, to help heal humanity, to help humanity grow and to release those conditions that are dark and hold them shackled to the darkness. May you know the blessings of the Creator, the great One who is your God and the God of all. God bless you and keep you in light. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you for coming together, for making your efforts to do so. You will be upheld and we will continue to inspire and help you along the journey. Blessings to you. My love to you. God bless you.