Messages 2023
What will you take with you?
December 1st, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, your brother in Christ, Francis. My brothers and sisters, friends of the earth, beloved of the Creator, I once walked upon this earth that you live on, and I once plundered it and went to war and enjoyed its spoils and the exploitation of my time and then it hit me. I have told this before, but for those who do not know, I shall tell you that I fell very ill and I was a soldier and I had seen enough and I had plundered enough and I thought that I might pass over and if I did so, what could I take with me? And I felt the Master’s touch and a voice saying, “Dear brother, your soul”.
This was a profound epiphany for me, and everything changed. I gave up my family inheritance and I did appear naked, as the legend states, before the townspeople, horrifying my parents and some of my friends. They could feel the deep desire of my heart, of my soul to be free, to walk the earth gently, to live in nature close to the animals, to feel the wind, to enjoy the blessings of the sun, whom I called brother sun and sister moon, and the night skies, and to live in poverty. Many of my brothers joined me and we created a sanctuary and we lived very simply, always in prayer and singing our praises to God, barefoot with simple garments, taking care of those who even had less than us, welcoming everyone. And my beloved Claire joined us and her sisters, also walking barefoot upon the earth. And to this day, some in that order still do.
As you come to pray for the healing of mother earth, knowing the devastation that has occurred in many places, being mindful of the hungry and the homeless, the wars that are still taking place and the disparity between the very rich and those who lack the mere necessities to live, you may wonder what can one do? What can this small group do to change the trajectory that seems unstoppable? First and foremost, continue to pray as you do, for your prayers and the light that comes from those prayers dispels much darkness in places you cannot see. Beyond that what you call the lattice of light ever expands around this world despite the darkness and yes, you can of course, walk more gently upon the earth, live a more sustainable life, and create sanctuary.
Be in nature whenever you can, for this too has a profound influence on your neighbors and as my brother here was reading his message he received from our dear brother Noah, a wonderful celestial soul, Noah mentioned the word ark and creating arks as places of refuge, so we encourage this wherever you live in whatever way you can and to those who have the means to do so, we ask with all the love in our hearts, consider this mightily and remember as I did that you cannot take anything but your spirit body and your soul with you when you leave this earth. And for those who maybe do not have great means but have great love in their souls, there is always something you can give, for God has given gifts to all his children and part of life on earth is discovering what they are. When you couple this with your prayers for the Creator’s love, you create a force of great magnitude.
Remember the Master who started with a few disciples and yet his message, obscured as it may have been over time, still shines. And even in my case, myself and my small group of brothers, so devoted, lacking material means were accepted by a very large, prosperous and rich church who deemed us harmless, but worthy and we thanked God, and we moved forward. And to this day, that work continues far beyond the borders of the orders that were created on my behalf and on sister Claire’s.
You are truly citizens of the world, children of God, and brothers and sisters of the earth. You know the words “Physician, heal thyself”. I ask you, take these to heart because as you change yourself and your habits and your requirements and fall into the simple grace of God’s love and a more sustainable lifestyle, you change the world. May you all be in the grace of God, in this prayer.
I thank my brother for stepping forward that I may deliver this message and I shall step back now and join you, you beautiful souls both seen and unseen. In the longings of our souls to receive the love of God and be in the presence of this Divine Love, may God bless you all. I am your brother and friend and a disciple of the Master, once from Assisi, now a Celestial inhabitant, as you will be some day. Go in peace. God bless you.
I am Francis.