Messages 2023
What will you take with you into the spirit world?
November 27th, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, your brother in Christ, Judas. It has been said that when one passes into spirit, one takes only their soul and the spirit body encasing it. It has also been said that the soul is pure but often hindered by the many encrustations of life, by the habits and exploitation and divergence from its being that takes place in all human lives to greater or lesser extent.
So, it should not surprise anyone to know that a soul condition determines one’s place of residence in spirit. This is not reflected on the earth plane, where a soul that is bereft of light and love may live in a palace, may have accrued, or amassed great wealth, great notoriety, or fame, and yet lives in (spiritual) poverty.
These material things cannot be taken into spirit, but the consequences of one’s attachment to them bears weight upon the soul as it finds itself still alive in a place conducive to its light and may I say to its love. The wise perceive these things and therefore they do not amass great wealth as being their goal on earth. This is not to say that one might not be quite comfortable, have a high standard of living, and a beautiful, pure, loving soul. No, I speak of those who worship the almighty dollar and material wealth, blind often to human love and most certainly to the love of God.
I tell you these things not to admonish anyone here in this circle but to remind you that when you express the love of God in your soul, the light in your soul, to those in darkness, you awaken something in them. You show them a mirror where they begin to see their condition and evaluate how this is so. You bring a level of blessing. You bring the choice of prayer. You bring humility and grace whenever you are in the love of God. You bring this to the world.
I need not tell you how necessary and important and I would say imperative your blessing is. Did not the master say, do not hide your lamp under a table but let it shine forth? Do not the psalms encourage one to sing a joyful noise unto the lord, to bring this light that you have been gifted with, this love that you have been blessed with so deeply to the world? This practice, this service, also brings the celestial angels into your sphere, into your presence.
So, you may realize that at times when you are extolling the virtues of divine love, of simply expressing how this has changed you and how simple it is, that all of a sudden, you find you are in the flow of Grace. You begin to feel the joy in your heart, the glow, because you are in a sense, channeling the truth and we are helping you. This great blessing does not go unnoticed but sometimes a soul in darkness cannot process what is happening except to feel lifted, to feel the touch of Divine Love and to know that this is something worth pursuing. In this way, little by little, those on earth are changed as you have been changed, and as we have been changed.
So, my dear friends, it is with great joy I come to you, and I thank my brother who told someone recently that he likes practical results and that he was a spiritual utilitarian (Judas laughed). I know he is pleased whenever we deliver a practical message which is his desire to receive.
I ask you all, take heart. Bring your love into the world. Shine your light. Sing a song of joy and praise. Dance into love. Do not despair for you are saved. May God’s Love be with you all. May every blessing be yours. I am your brother and friend. I am Judas of Kerioth, now a Celestial Angel and your eternal friend in the love of God. Go in peace.