Messages 2023
When much is given, much is expected
February 6th, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here Francis your brother in Christ, Francis.
I ask you to remember the words, “To those who have been given much, much is expected”. The implications of which are both meant to be material and spiritual. To those who have been blessed in the material sense it is wise for them to give freely to those in need, so that when they leave this world, their pockets may not bear the weight of those riches but rather their souls carry with them the treasures of the spirit.
You have been given the great truths of Divine Love regarding the transformation of your souls; A world so bereft of this knowledge, this sacred knowledge, this Celestial knowledge. Of course, many come to God with deep longings who may not ever heard the truths you have been given and yet their souls reaching out, connect with the soul of God and begin the process of the great transformation. When one obtains this love in good measure the world can fade away and the bliss and glory of a soul carrying the love of God on the bridge from the earth plane to the Celestial heavens becomes a reality. You have been informed that you are on this bridge, and I come to remind of this.
In the material world one imagines that if they give their life to God, they will lose everything and so few are willing to give up material possessions or even their intellectual baggage. And yet, as the Master said, ”Seek ye first the Kingdom of heaven and all things will be given to you.” We say this quite often to remind you of the gifts of the spirit; to remind you that each one is unique, each one here a great blessing to the world. Truly! Know this, live this! For what you give will be returned tenfold and more.
Remember in dying we are born into eternal life in the love of God.
We love you. Take heart, have faith, trust in God and your own gifts. Such a blessing to the world you all are. I will step back and join you in this sacred moment in this circle of light, in this peace, with all my love I am your friend in the love of God.