Messages 2023

Your True Soul’s Purpose in the World

September 17th, 2023

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Beloved souls, I come. I am Jesus. The world holds promise for you, each one of you. As you walk upon this earthly plane, know that God has a plan for each of you, that God intends for each of you to flourish in the blessings of His Love, that God will guide you and uphold you, and that God will ensure that your gifts of the soul will be awakened in His Love. In His promise for the journey toward greater truth, light and love, you will become His instruments of peace and truth, a channel of love in the world.

The world holds much promise as you continue to grow in this light, awaken in this truth, and continue to be bright and beautiful channels of love. The world holds great promise because you have accepted God’s invitation to awaken in His Love. Great seeds have been planted in your world. There are many more souls who are feeling the pull and desire to be in alignment with God. Only a few have awakened thus far in this way and truth. Yet many more shall do so, as the world awakens to the newness and wonderment of the change and transformation that is coming. You begin as you accept God’s invitation to truth, as you seek to be purified and cleansed of all conditions that are not in harmony with truth, love and God’s Laws of Love. You are the strong ones. You are the ones whose souls insist on being at-one with God. You are the forerunners of much that is coming. As you transform in light, so you become the example and teachers of light.

Much awaits each one of you and great potential as instruments of God are within you, provided you are willing to put aside your reticence and your fears, your confusion and all barriers that the mind produces in order to maintain its control and dominance of your life. There is a greater mind within you, a greater wisdom, greater understanding that will come as the Divine Essence continues to break down those barriers and cleanse your soul, transforming it in love. When the mind of the soul is predominant, it does not mean that you will lose anything. Your material mind will find its place, still functioning as it always has. But you will not have the fears and judgements and all that is of darkness within it. It will be within the truth and harmony of God’s Love. In this, there will be great joy, conscious, expanding and powerful within you. This I promise you, beloved souls. Those of you who still feel that the mind has such power over your consciousness, know that the consciousness of the soul will burst forth and envelop and heal your mind from its infirmities and its errors.

The laws shall be obeyed as you continue to seek the great blessings of God’s Love. It is inevitable. It shall be that this transformation will take place, that the healing will come, that the awarenesses and the consciousness of the soul will be with you and shall be a permanent condition of understanding and being within you. Have faith in this, beloveds. Have faith in your capacity to change, to be in harmony with God and His laws, to be that beautiful and bright soul that is resplendent in the Essence of God and all that comes with this blessing. It is yours for the asking, beloveds. It has always been there for you, available to you. God eagerly wishes to bless you with this gift, this wondrous gift that brings all other gifts. You are His children. God has great love for each of you, love beyond measure and a desire for each of you to blossom in the fullness of your soul’s potential and beauty, given with the touch of His Love.

May you be blessed, beloved and beautiful brothers and sisters of God. Blessed in the fullness and ripeness of God’s plan for the salvation of humanity. May you come to know your true selves as never before, revealing to you the depth and breadth of your true creation and self. It is there, waiting for you to acknowledge, to understand, to absorb and to embrace. This great gift that is your soul awakening in God’s Love. We journey together upon this path. We are truly brothers and sisters as we journey forward.

I am your brother. I am your friend and I am with each of you. My love for you is great. Indeed, many angels in the Celestial Spheres pray for each one of you and your progress in the truth of God’s Love in the expression of your true soul’s purpose and gifts in the world. Much is given to each of you, and much love pours upon you. May you feel and acknowledge this touch, knowing that you are truly blessed. For God’s plan and intention for each one is the joy, wonderment and awakening that is to come. Seek this out, and know all that what I speak of to be yours as you walk upon the Earth. Beloved souls, we journey together. We are together in love, a unity and bond that shall not be broken, but shall be for all eternity.

May God bless you and keep you in this wondrous light, blessing and peace so that you may know and understand the truth, the way and the life that comes with His Love. God bless you. I love you, my beloveds, I love you. I am with you always. I am Jesus, God bless you.