Messages 2024
A Heart Transformed
January 22nd, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
It is I, George Gurdjieff, Papa G.
I am the spiritual grandfather of my brother and so I guided him to come tonight to give a very simple message. We often speak of spiritual life as the journey to at-oneness with God and on this journey while on earth, the body is the vehicle, the soul the passenger, the heart or the mind the drivers, with the will creating the impetus. On the path of Divine Love, where the soul goes into prayer, the love moves the passenger forward. When one is distracted, when one is amused or entertained, the mind encourages the vehicle to stop for the passenger to peruse what is its interest. At times, it is even taken off the path it is on and will find itself misdirected on side-roads.
Yet the intention of the soul to be at one with its Creator, to make that journey and move forward, will always bring it back to the path of Divine Love and that love propels the soul and hence the vehicle moves forward in progression. It is as you say, “The human condition”, to be persuaded to this thing or that, to be intellectually engaged, to finding the right words, reading the right books, and doing all those things that the mind considers food, food for thought, yet the soul is never satisfied with such things that feed only the material mind, for it only moves forward in love. This love, that all here desire to receive, you can consider as the best, finest jet fuel propelling you forward at a pace, that although it seems quite slow to you in your earthly life, but is exponentially rapid in spiritual terms.
And as Matthew said in his message to Al Fike, what awaits you on this journey is a magnificence and a wonder to behold. For a heart transformed in Divine Love is a new heart, a new soul, always maintaining its uniqueness and yet, transformed in the great Love of God.
It is wise to be aware of what moves you forward on your journey and what keeps you in place. For movement is kinetic, and stasis does not lead to happiness. In this prayer, in this opening to the love of God, in this showering of grace, there is a blessing that is eternal.
Eventually, this soul changed from the image to the substance, can never to return to a state of doubt, but is in each moment present in the wonder and the magnificence and the joy of God’s Love. May it be yours.
My beautiful brothers and sisters, take heart. Pray and pray some more and allow God to change you. I am your brother in Christ, and I thank you. I am George Gurdjieff. May God bless each of you.