Messages 2024
A Prayer to Help Us Reach Soul Consciousness
July 26th, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
May the peace that passes all understanding be yours, beloved souls. May you come to know the Father’s Love as the mainstay of your life. I come, I am Jesus. I come to be with you today in your prayers and longings for God. I come because I have great love for each one of you. I come because you are my brothers and sisters. We walk for a moment together in the grace of God, in the blessings of God. Take heed of the desires of your soul. Seek out God through those desires and longings that exist therein. Do not put aside those feelings that rise up from deep inside of you. Pay attention to these things, however subtle they might be. Because when the soul speaks, it is the truth. When the soul communicates its desires to you, it is a reflection of God’s Will.
Each of you must learn to discern between the desires of your mind and projections thereof, and the desires of your soul and its longings. Each sense is different. You are well-used to your mindful projections, ideas and desires. This has been with you from the very moment you were conscious of the world and yourself. Yet the longings of the soul were there all along. From the time you were incarnated, the soul has been your true and abiding consciousness. Yet because of earthly conditions and mindful concerns, you have relegated the soul to a very faint whisper within your consciousness. It takes a great deal of effort and discipline in prayer to bring that whisper to a shout, something clear, something you might abide by in faith, in trust of that place within you. For this is where God communicates with you, beloved souls. This is where we come to make rapport and connection. This is where the truth resides.
As with all upon this Earth, it is very common for that blessing of knowledge and understanding that comes from the soul to be distorted and filtered by the mind. For you still carry the mind as your primary source of communication, of understanding. Yet we beseech you to give your soul its rightful place, a precedence over the mind, so that you may know God’s Will and know your own true self, your identity, have knowledge of the path that you follow and the desires of your soul realised and expressed in harmony in the world. I urge you to continue to make great effort in this regard. The blessing of God’s Love, that Essence that comes from His Soul to yours, will help strengthen and empower the soul so that it is not such a formidable task to be in alignment with your soul in a conscious way.
There is much truth you can glean from soul consciousness, soul awareness. You will know your guidance daily by knowing your own soul. Your capacities to love will grow exponentially as you give your soul precedence over your material mind. This is the truth I taught while on Earth and this is the truth that I teach to you today. Through the empowerment of God’s Love, the Essence of His Soul, your soul becomes the dominant and beautiful part of you that shall guide, inform and bring to you great joy, wisdom and truth. So few truly understand this journey, for they begin with the empowerment of the mind that is well entrenched, and they find it difficult to go beyond this.
The mind informs, analyses and perceives in its own way. Indeed God gave you the gift of this mind to navigate the material world. You have chosen the awakening of the soul with Love. You desire the higher truths, that which God has created as a great benefit to man. That chosen journey must take you into soul consciousness and into God consciousness, for the two live hand in hand. With this relationship between your soul and God’s Soul, there comes a true awakening, the understanding of that which is of God and that which is God. You desire this, my beloved and beautiful brothers and sisters. Each of you, in your own way, are striving toward this. You are prayerful and dedicated. You apply the truth as best you can in a world that is contradictory to this truth.
I urge you on, beloveds. Have faith. Have faith in the journey. Have faith in what God gives to you. Have faith in we, your angel friends. Have faith in your own soul until there comes a time, a great breakthrough of consciousness that will bring you what you truly desire and uphold you in this great shift of awareness. Here, with awareness, with understanding and allowing the true consciousness of soul to gain its rightful place within your being, then your true instrumentality, your effectiveness as a light, your ability to be God’s channels of love, will be realised and will flow powerfully and beautifully through you into the world. Thus, you will become my true disciples. You will reflect the message that I have brought. You will understand with such clarity and fullness of awareness what this is the truth. You will be set free from the shackles of the human condition and find yourself dancing in joy, acknowledging your Creator and acknowledging what God has created in you. You will truly be that instrument, that child of God, that beautiful light.
We will rejoice with you, beloved souls, truly. You will know us in ways you never thought were possible. You will know us and we will work together to bring the Truth of Love to humanity, a clear and powerful statement to the world. You as the example, an expression of that truth, God working through you to touch many souls. Just as He did with me as I walked the Earth, so he will do with you, beloveds. This we pray for. This we seek, to uphold you and uplift you so that you may walk the path willingly and without hesitation. There is so much more that God wishes to give to each one of you. We are there to witness and to abide by you as you walk this journey toward truth and at-onement with God.
I am your brother and friend, Jesus, Master of the Celestial Kingdom and seeker of Love. I, with many others, guide you forward and shall do so all the days of your life. I shall never abandon you, nor will any of the angels. God is always at the ready to uphold you and to show you the magnificence of His creation and Love, His universe unfolding in your consciousness. It will come in bits and pieces. It will come in stops and starts. But it will come, nonetheless, and it must come, for the law must be obeyed. The journey must be trod upon by you alone, with your will and desire in place, motivating you forward, with our desire to uphold you and there with you as your friends, deep and abiding friends, companions upon the journey. Our love is with you, beloved souls. Truly, we love you. You are truly our brothers and sisters and we shall embrace our family with great love and dedication.
God bless you, beloveds. My love is with you all. I am with you all. God envelopes each and every one of us with His Love and Light. Healing us, uplifting us, empowering us in Truth. God bless you. I love you. I love you.