Messages 2024

Achieving Soul Consciousness

March 12th, 2024

Ancient Gardens, Queensland, Australia

Received by Al Fike

Beloved students, I am your teacher, Augustine. Soul consciousness is a reality, it exists. But often it is elusive to you on the Earth plane, for you are embroiled within the mindful conditions that reflect this plane and what humanity has created for itself. Yet humanity was meant to go upon a different road, a road toward at-onement with God.

That road is paved with love. That road is recognised with soul perceptions and soul understanding. Many of you, though you put your feet upon the Divine Path, do not recognise the landmarks, the reality of this journey. Instead you overlay this road with perceptions and expectations that come with the mind and the mind’s desires. This is what makes you human, beloved souls. This is why we must work diligently to help you understand what that road is, how you may feel, know and recognise the aspirations, expressions and experiences of the soul.

You get glimpses that come on occasions. You have experiences that might be revelatory and powerful. But these things do not come as you bid them to come. Rather they come because God has given you a gift of this. But God cannot continue to pave the way for you. It is your responsibility and your challenge to help pave the way for yourself, to discipline your consciousness in such a way that you may delve deep within the soul and come to recognise that place within. Yes it is difficult. Yes there are many inhibitions and barriers toward it. But with the help of the angels, the Touch of God upon you, and your own sweet yearnings of the soul, you will find your way. The connection will be built with yearning, desire and prayer, and more yearning, desire and prayer, and releasing those inhibitions and conditions that hold you from God.

You are not special in this regard, for humanity as a whole has this challenge before them. Thus the conditions of your world reflect this, that the sense of God, the understanding of God, even the belief in God is lacking. Humanity feels abandoned, alone in an existential angst that continues to pervade human consciousness. But it is not because God has abandoned them. It is because humanity has lost their capacity, their innocence, their ability to easily be with God and to be conscious of this connection.

Yet each of you, beloved souls, continue to yearn and pray for this as you struggle toward it. Some are more successful than others. Some are challenged, indeed. Yet you join together as one body, one desire to reach your Creator, to know your God, to know your own relationship, that is your soul in communion with your Creator, He who loves you so, He who does all that is required for you to know Him, to be with Him and to be blessed by Him.

We have deep compassion for your struggles, beloved souls, and we know that with each day that passes, with each effort in prayer that is made, you inch your way closer. You remove an impediment. You hollow out that tunnel that has debris within it. Step by step, piece by piece, you walk, you crawl, you yearn, you pull yourself along in this formidable journey and task to be with God. God, in His mercy, works from His end to clear the debris and to make that tunnel clear, bright and luminous so that you may know Him and that you may walk freely from that place of the mind to the place of the soul, acknowledging and being in the presence of God’s great Soul.

It is happening, my beloved and beautiful students. But it does take time. It does take effort daily. It does take application, strain and often frustration, a feeling of futility that must be overcome. For faith is the understanding and knowledge that you shall, indeed, come face to face with God. In your prayers and longings, in your openings and feelings, this shall be. It shall come to each who persists, who is strong, to each who continues to seek the gift of the Father’s Love.

We are there assisting you, my beloved friends. We are there each and every time. So you are not alone and your efforts are not futile. But you must continue to apply the truths to your lives and to allow the Love to do its work and to know that God loves you, truly, deeply loves you. You will know this Love in time. It is already working upon you. It is already helping you to come closer to that place of at-onement with your Creator. Do not falter, dear and beloved students of truth. Do not falter, but persist and be in the grace and Love of God.

I am your teacher, Augustine, and I love you. I am with you, as are many. God bless you. God bless you, beloved students. I love you.