Messages 2024

Alignment With God

January 19th, 2024


Received by Al Fike

May the blessings of Divine Love continue to flow into your souls, my friends. I am Orion. I come because you have mentioned me and continue to think of me. Yes, this dear instrument was somewhat skeptical that I was who I am. I am, indeed, who I am and he has no doubt at this time. I have no doubt that the work that we do together has its impact and importance in the world. There will be many who will read that which I have spoken of, who will be curious and look to these teachings as a source of truth.

Today I wish to talk about alignment. A curious word, is it not? Yet, indeed, to have one’s soul in alignment with God is to acknowledge the very source from which your soul has come and the very aspect and form that your soul is. To bring that consciousness of God into your consciousness through the alignment of soul to soul, of your soul with God’s Soul. Though you shall never be God, you can and will express aspects of God, the potentials that God has placed within you that can only be realised through the transformation and development of the soul.

As you transform and develop, you come into alignment with God. For this similarity, this compatibility, aspects of soul that are a reflection of God, bring a powerful connection, an awakening and acknowledgment of God to you. Indeed, God acknowledges each and every one of you each and every moment, millisecond, of existence. For the consciousness of God is immense, unfathomable in its immensity and capacity to know you.

God is in alignment with you always. It is your efforts and desire to be in alignment with Him that will bring the results that I speak of, so to truly know God. This knowing, this sense, this awakened perception, this love that you carry, gifts that are drawn to God, drawing closer the magnetism of your soul to God’s great Soul, continues to exert itself. The longing that comes with this magnetism is potent and powerful, opening the doorway to be consciously aware of God through the blessings and Touch of the Essence of God infilling you.

As this Essence grows within you and the longing and magnetism becomes more powerful, an alignment comes where there is no skewing of desire, of your being distracted or engaged otherwise. Alignment is focus. Alignment is the acknowledgment of the deep desire of your soul to be with God and the expression of that desire in prayer. Alignment comes as you build faith within you, as you build the power of your soul, strengthening, broadening and deepening in Love.

Such alignment brings about many blessings. Such alignment brings about conscious interaction with God. It allows God to bless you directly and deeply. Such alignment brings God’s Will and God’s guidance to you. As the power of your soul becomes evident and awakened, the alignment is more precise. You are able to come to know and feel God in all its wonderment, beauty and form. Though these are merely words, behind the words is a deep truth.

Those who seek God from their minds, even from that place of spirit, will not know the deep alignment that comes as a soul awakens to God and comes into harmony with God where the love, the bond of love, becomes real and deep. Where the awareness of God becomes full and rich, and the love of God containing God’s Love for you meet together and become aligned in the truth of God’s Essence bestowed upon your soul.

These things come with prayer and deep desire to be with God, to ask for this great gift that God has to give to you, to put aside all that is of the mind and the material world and to truly go deep within the soul seeking this alignment. The flow that comes, the Holy Touch as you say in your religions, the blessing of the Touch of God that Jesus talked about, this is the great alignment of soul to soul. This is the power of God’s Touch given freely and available to you at any time.

Put aside all that which keeps you from God and know that within you are the mechanisms that will bring you into alignment with the great Soul, the Oversoul of the universe. It is available to you, beloved souls. It is given freely. Seek and you shall find it. As you find It, you will know it. As you know it, you will feel and find the reverie of alignment with God.

God bless you. I am Orion and I love you so. Beautiful souls of God seeking alignment with all that is of God, be true to your desires. Be clear in your efforts and know the humility that comes with a soul who truly knows its Creator. God bless you, my friends. God bless you.