Messages 2024
All things conspire for your happiness in God’s Love
February 19th, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
Peace be upon you. I am your sister in Christ, Clare. May the love of God flow into our souls.
Is not prayer the heart’s desire to be filled with love, to have our will in God’s will? In any moment, one can just be aware of God and allow the heart to reach out, as God opens your soul to the infilling of His love. For whenever you do this, everything conspires for your happiness. When you find yourself in this flow, the great flow of God’s Love, and you open your eyes and you see for the first time clearly. For is not the true gift of Christmas the Love of God? And when one opens one’s heart, this gift pervades not only your soul, but the very atmosphere, and yes, you see clearly how all things are in the flow and that things that appear within this clarity that would appear as inharmonious, are still in the love.
All beings wish to be above their troubles, and every wound you have becomes healed in the balm of His Love. Every judgement falls away in compassion, every grudge dissolves when you leave your worries and all your troubles with God.
You can see in this world how so many react to their pain, numbing it, creating a buffer just to be somewhat comfortable. When one is injured, physically and is given medicine to ease that pain, to bring one through, the body repairing, it is a good thing. And yet, with emotional pain, this is another matter.
For the medicine to ease the pain of the heart is God’s Love. When you are in this Love, as I have said, all things conspire for your happiness. We come and protect you and guide you because we love you and God loves you beyond what the mind can conceive but certainly what the soul can perceive. Relax your mind. Relax your body. Relax your brain. Open your heart that God may open your soul, in this moment, that His most Holy Spirit bring that Love to each one. For it is said the mind cannot conceive, nor the eye can see or imagine the things God has prepared for those who love Him.
May the grace of God be upon you. With all my love and blessings, I shall join you. I am your sister in Christ. I am Clare, once of Assisi and now an inhabitant of the celestial heavens. May God bless you and may His peace be with you.