Messages 2024
An Important Lesson for Developing Divine Love Mediumship
July 9th, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Beloved souls, I’m your teacher Augustine. This beloved instrument need not worry about material concerns in his travels and ministry. God has these things well in hand, beloved son. Do not obscure your vision and your travels with your worries of the material. For this is erroneous and you will not have any trouble in regards to providing the resources needed to do God’s work. For when God designates His instrument and provides the guidance and plan for these ministries, all shall be provided, all shall be provided. Worry not and be at peace.
There have been questions about rapport with spirits. Many will find that they will have experiences of seeing various spirits appear in their vision and then disappear. This is a very common event for many of you. It is a kind of testing period where various spirits attempt to make a rapport. It is like trying on various shoes. What fits? What does not? What is comfortable? What is not? As you continue in your progress to make rapport with spirit, which is our desire, whether it be high spirits or Celestial Angels or even your stellar friends, these preliminary experiments are important and part of the process.
This too, you must welcome and be curious about and allow this to be so. It is not that you’re being overshadowed or influenced by dark spirits or unwelcome spirits. You are being protected and enveloped by God’s loving embrace and protection. Therefore there is no need to worry about these things unless of course you have an untoward experience with a spirit that is dark. Then you must pray for protection immediately and break off the connection. But none of you here are so inexperienced that you do not understand the Law of Rapport and Communication. Allow yourselves the freedom of exploring this level, this place of connection and rapport with spirit.
You are the forerunners for many who in time, in your world will have a close relationship with higher spirits, a close relationship that will benefit humanity greatly. For as of now, the great advances and progressive conditions of the spirit world are ignored where many resources may be taken advantage of. Much information might be given to help humanity in their progression, both in the material and spiritual, bringing greater harmony to the world. Thus those of you who are forerunners of this advancement in capability of communication are much needed. You will find yourself in a position of having deep communication and receptive to important information that can be given through you.
Each of you has a unique style and ability in terms of communication and in terms of mediumship. It is important that you recognise this and not compare one to the other and not say, “I wish to have this form of mediumship. I admire this and I desire this.” Rather, appreciate what God has created in you, the uniqueness of your own creation. Allow that uniqueness to flourish and what is within the great garden of your own soul to come forward into your consciousness. There are many gifts, many gifts indeed. As you grow in the Father’s Love, these gifts materialise and become palpable and powerful.
Do not let your biases and your mindful ambitions interfere with the unfolding of all of your beautiful capacities and gifts. They will come in harmony with what is required and what is acceptable in your present condition. You will find that you may jump from one experience to another and they might be seemingly unrelated. Yet, in truth, we are developing many aspects of your soul condition and even physical abilities so that your logical mind may not accept the flow and sequence of events. In truth there is a rhyme and reason to what we are doing. You need not understand this in your material mindful sense. What is important is that you accept and are open to what is taking place. Be confident and at peace with the process.
This is a crucial time in your world, a window of opportunity that will allow much development and many gifts will emerge. We urge you to take this time seriously and take time to be in rapport with us, to be open, to experience and to embrace what is given. There will always be material distractions and there is certainly a necessity to engage in the material world. We wish for you to put the priority upon this development and the awakening of your soul so that all will flourish and be in harmony and in preparation for the ministries that will blossom. Not only with the three of you here but with your band of beautiful souls that aspire toward being of service and having gifts opened. We are working with each one. We are giving much time and effort to each one.
Now it is easy for all of you to engage in the material world once you are finished with your retreat. We hope that you will spend time, a substantial amount of time in prayer, contemplation, that you will calibrate your mind in the direction of desiring spiritual gifts and the awakening of your soul so that we may come close. For this is one very basic element of rapport, the desires of the mind and the openness of the mind to allow these things to be. If we come close, yet you are unaware and unreceptive to our communications, then our time is somewhat limited in terms of what we may accomplish. Yet, if you are open and eager to establish a rapport, then we may do much greater work. The capacity, the elements of creating and establishing various ways of rapport and connection with you will increase according to your desires and receptivity.
There is much work for us to do. There is much time to be given to accomplish this work. We do not wish to foreshorten the opportunities and the time available because you have not allowed yourself to be in close rapport with us. It is important that you make this a priority. I speak to all of you, that you make this a priority and that you spend time in serious contemplation allowing your mind to focus upon these tasks at hand, allowing your spirit to be receptive and to draw us close and allowing God into your soul through receiving the great gift of Divine Love. In these ways you will establish a wonderful atmosphere around you that will allow us to work unimpeded. You will have experiences. Each one of you will have experiences that will confirm our presence and confirm our efforts to work with you in development.
If your mind is sceptical, ask for confirmation. If your will continues to pull you away from these tasks, then look at your motivations, at what holds you back and in looking, take responsibility. Change your attitudes. Recalibrate your thinking so that you are more receptive. That rapport and receptivity with us may happen even when you are at work or doing other things. There are many levels of consciousness, but if you are totally engaged in the material efforts that you make in the world, then you are missing out on many opportunities in the process of development of gifts.
Have confidence that we are working with you and that we may work with you at any time, whether you are awake or asleep, whether you are at work or at home. Any environment, any condition that is a part of your daily life will afford us an opportunity to be close. What is important is that you do not segment your thinking to such a degree that you are unable to feel and to sense our presence close to you. The only restrictions come from you and your mindful condition, the earthly conditions that are so difficult, the darkness, is not of any relevance in regard to the work we are doing. We have the power, the capacity to cut through these conditions of the earthly plane to be close to you, each one of you, provided that you are creating the environment, the conditions around you so that we may make the rapport, may make the connection to come close.
Yes there are very few complications in this regard but the greatest barrier is your attitude and your scepticism. When you walk in faith and walk with God and are open to the blessings of God which include the blessing of your angel friends coming close, then you are in harmony with what is required. So we remind you and urge you on, that you may be in good spiritual condition, that you are in alignment with your Creator and that you have a light around you that is sustained by your actions and your thoughts. Be close to God, beloved souls. This is the key to everything as we have said numerous times. Be in prayer daily. Be at peace and do not allow the intransigence of the material world to hobble your condition. Be infused within your light. Be free from worries and concerns.
Have faith that God is looking after you, that we are close and we, too, are protecting you and assisting you. If you have a problem that seems insurmountable, a situation that is irksome and difficult, put it to prayer. Ask God to help you, to give you solutions, to show the way towards harmony and you will be given many blessings, many blessings. Insights will come. This is the great benefit of rapport with us. We inspire. We can help you to see clearly the solution to see your way through difficult conditions and help you to release anxieties, judgements, worries and fears. We may help you in many ways, but you must open the door for that help to enter therein, so that you may find the freedom that I suggest, that you embrace and be in harmony with the Will of God, the flow of His Will in your life. Therefore, you will be in harmony with us and our close relationship with you.
There is much to consider, I know. It is a very different approach to life that many have, that those around you may not understand. Yet as you continue to strengthen in this way and be clear in your thinking and your motivations and open up the door of awareness, consciousness of the soul and awareness of God and the great consciousness of His Soul, then the worries and cares of this material life will seem very small and inconsequential compared to the vastness and wonderment, joy and love that comes with your relationship with God. Much can be given at this time, beloved souls.
I urge you to go forward in faith, trust and confidence, in joy as you continue to develop and awaken to the wondrous potentials of your soul. You are developing and becoming beautiful instruments of God, beautiful channels of love on your way, at some time in the future, to be Celestial Angels. What a wondrous journey this is and how blessed you are, beloved souls, truly. God bless you. God bless you. I’m your teacher, Augustine and I am close with many of you. I desire to uphold you, to help you on the way, to hold that lantern high so that you may see your way upon the path of true enlightenment and soul transformation. God bless you. My love is with you. God bless you.