Messages 2024

Angels Come to Earth to Teach the Truths of God’s Love

February 13th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C., Canada

Received by Al Fike

We have come to Earth many, many times since the beloved Master came to bring the good tidings of God’s Love. We have dedicated ourselves to humanity, angels who inhabit the Celestial Kingdom, angels who wish to do God’s work in service. To bring this truth not only to your world, but to all spirit worlds that exist beyond this world. We endeavour to work to bring this truth so that others may know it and live it so that others may find their way to the Celestial Kingdom.

They do not need to believe in doctrine. All that is required is a yearning for truth. Seeking out the truth through the tried and true ways of prayer, desire and effort. How does anyone come to God but through their deep desire to be with God? Yes they may recite a rote prayer. They may belong to some church or religion. Or they may be in that simple way and journey that brings God into their lives. Whatever way the individual takes, as long as there is sincere longing and desire to receive the great gift of God’s Love, then they will be touched deeply within their hearts. They will come to know their own souls and their soul’s capacity to know God.

For as you long to be with God, as your heart opens to God, God responds with His Love. For God is Love. First and foremost, God is Love. There is no judgment. God does not withhold His Love from anyone, no matter their circumstance or condition. If they but pray and ask for this gift, if they but pray and ask to be close to God, then they will have their prayers answered in a timely way, in a powerful way.

Do not judge your brothers and sisters, my beloved friends. Because God does not judge them. Individuals judge themselves. Individuals create conditions that condemn themselves to darkness, but this is not God’s doing. This is their own. By their actions, by their lack of love both for themselves and for others, they draw to them a darkness. A pitiful state of pain, anguish and loneliness. Yet even these poor souls who continue to languish in darkness are promised the blessing and Touch of God upon them, provided they are willing to ask and desire this.

In time no one will be left to the dark spheres and their own anguish and pain. Every soul is destined to find light. Every soul will find light. But the time that it may take for this to be so, might be great. Many, many years of suffering is often the lot of man, for humanity is stubborn and set in their ways and refuses to open their minds, hearts and souls to the light. So, they continue to suffer, stuck within terrible conditions that continue to be reinforced over and over again.

My beloved friends, you must pray for humanity, for the many who are in darkness. For their suffering is self imposed and also imposed by others who also are stuck within this condition. Yet freedom is within their grasp if they only knew it. We ask you, beloved friends, when given the opportunity, when God guides you into conditions that are not of love, that you may speak the truth. That you may be a light, exemplary in the Love so that, indeed, you may show the way beyond darkness to light.

So many need this. In their hearts they long for this, but in their minds they are stuck within these terrible conditions. Have compassion for your brothers and sisters who are indeed so callous and hard of hearts. Those who do not believe because they blame God for their pain or they feel that God does not exist or God has abandoned them. Nothing is further from the truth. Often they have abandoned God because, in their minds, they expect that God will right every wrong. That God will deliver them from darkness without any effort made on their part, but this is not the law in action. The law states that each individual must take action and responsibility so that they may step forward and find the road to their own personal redemption.

Many cannot humble themselves in this way. Many do not see the validity of this choice. Rather they seek to empower themselves to right the wrongs that they believe have been done to them and to do so with force, hatred and anguish expressed in distorted and disturbing ways. Those poor, poor souls who continue to fight against the darkness, but in so doing, often create greater darkness for themselves. Such ignorance and misunderstanding, beloved souls.

You, my beautiful friends, are not those individuals. You have found deliverance from the darkness. You have created for yourself the opportunity for light. You have sought truth and sought to apply truth in your life. You continue to forge ahead, to test the truth, to apply it and test it again. Indeed you have found the truth has set you free to a certain degree and it shall set you free more and more as you grow in this gift, as you seek it within yourself.

Do not indulge in darkness, beloved souls. Though you may have vestiges of this darkness within you, you may have hurts, pains and rage forth because of them, seek to remedy them with God. Seek to put these things at God’s Feet, that He may dissolve them and bring light and joy, expansion and freedom. For these things can be given upon your prayerful request, upon your efforts to stave off the darkness and walk fully in the light. It is a collaboration between you and your Heavenly Father. We from the Celestial Kingdom continue to accompany you, to encourage you and uphold you in this, and we shall until that wondrous day comes when we will greet you as you enter into the Kingdom of Love.

God bless you, beloved souls. I am Andrew and I love you. I truly, truly love you all. May you continue to be blessed and awakened and healed in greater light with each day, and come to know greater truth with each prayer and each moment of contemplation. We are there with you, always. You are never alone, never, beloveds, never. My love is with you. God’s Love continues to shine forth so that you may be blessed, and blessed you shall be, beloved souls. God bless you. I am Andrew and I love you. God bless you.