Messages 2024

Be at Peace

June 17th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

The stage has been set, beloved souls. I am Seretta Kem. Each of you knows your part to play and details have been given and considered. The individuals who are coming have dedicated themselves, in their own way, to be a part of this. Thus, you have done your part beautifully. We will do our part as well. In fact, we have been doing our part since the beginning, being with others who are coming and with yourselves so that all may be in harmony, all may be in alignment together. Do you not see how God works through you? Do you not see how God plans and influences each and every one of you in order to bring together this beautiful time, this very important time to develop, to open, to establish within yourself a powerful awareness within the soul expressing the beautiful gifts of a soul?

So you are blessed and doubly blessed on this journey of service and effort. Be at peace, beloveds. Do not let your mindful expectations get in the way of the harmonious flow that is God’s intentions for this time. I know you are human, I know there are times when you feel you must intervene and apply your ideals to any given situation. I would urge you to be at peace and to allow whatever is meant to be, to be accomplished and manifest in this time.

It will be a beautiful and harmonious gathering. Many will feel deeply the Touch of God. Many will open to newer and unrealised gifts. Many will feel greatly satisfied and fulfilled in this time. All is well. We have no guidance per se, other than to be at peace and allow things to flow in harmony. You are being blessed always, protected always, loved always.

God bless you. I am Seretta Kem and my love for you is great, indeed. Beautiful souls earnest, seeking to serve, seeking to be a channel of blessings for others. So, it shall be, so it shall be. God bless you. God bless you all.