Messages 2024
Your Prayers Bring Greater Light to the World, Mary Adds Her Prayers
July 7th, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Beloved children of God, I come. I am your brother and friend, Jesus. I come to pray and be with you in this time of gathering, this time of desire, this time of beseeching God to receive the great gift of His Love. I urge you all to search your hearts, to go deep within yourself and seek out the motivations and desires that lie within. For it is there you will find the power and intensity of prayer to receive the great gift of God’s Love. Without this desire, without those feelings that lie deep within you, this longing that is within your soul and every soul in your world, then I would not have been able to assist God in opening the door to this gift once again.
In my ministry and in all the years since, that gift has been available to each of you and to all of humanity, generation after generation. Yet, many did not know of this gift. There were those who stumbled upon it, for they felt the longings of their souls and they expressed those longings to God. Though they did not have the words that you use, nonetheless, they were able to make that connection, that soul to Soul rapport with our Heavenly Father, and they received the gift pouring within. How have the Celestial Heavens been populated, but for those intrepid individuals who sought out God and sought out the gifts and blessings that God has to give to them?
You are seeking and you are longing. You have faith and you have desire. We are all directing these things to the great Soul of God, seeking out His Holy Spirit to answer our prayers, seeking out the Touch of God to awaken us, all the beautiful potentials that lie within our souls. Such a mystery to humanity what lies deep within us, what is our true selves. Yet, you have found the answer to this question. God has answered you in many ways, demonstrating and showing to you the power of love, the Essence of His Love given to you freely and abundantly.
Express the deep longings of your souls, my beloved brethren, for this is the key to all else that might come to you in knowledge, in understanding, in joy and truth, in peace and in faith. The key to all of these things comes with one single blessing that is given again and again as you beseech God to receive it. Do not withhold yourself from God, but lay yourself at God’s feet and ask for the great blessing that gives forgiveness, healing, transformation and joy. What more does a soul need than this to be released of its burdens, to know its own true self and to awaken to all its gifts and potentials? For God has put within you many, many gifts. These gifts have their own desire to be realised and expressed from your true self. As these gifts flourish and blossom in the grace of God, so you will touch others and they will feel the power of these gifts, the beauty of these gifts, the grace of these gifts empowered by the Touch of God.
Seek this each and every day, the blessing of His Love, and each and every day will bring its own blessings, its own gifts to you. Awakening yet another part of you that otherwise would not have been known and would not come alive. In your seeking, in your prayers, you open yourselves to the world of the soul and the reality of God. Shall we pray together now, my beloveds, asking God to open our souls wide, to receive abundantly the great gift of His Love? In this, that longing to some degree will be satisfied. That awakening will progress forward into places and realms that are not known by many, but shall be known by you.
God bless you, beloved souls. I am Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens, your brother and your friend. I love you all, with deep and abiding love. I know you and I am with you. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.
I am Mary, the mother of Jesus. I come to reinforce my son’s message, to bring my love into your midst and to this world as far as it will reach as each of you contribute to the great channel and Portal of Love and Light that is created by your prayers. You do the world a great service, beloved souls, by praying from many places, many points along and throughout this world so that God may touch, through you many others. This service and blessing comes quietly and anonymously through you, yet it helps to sustain the world. To bring light, to bring healing, peace and comfort to many.
Do not underestimate the power of your prayers, the power of your gatherings to bring the blessings of God through you as His instruments, bringing much to your brothers and sisters. We utilise the power of these instruments on Earth, as does God, in order to uplift and to help neutralise the darkness. My beloveds, know that we are close in these times of prayer and will continue to utilise your desires to serve humanity and to serve the Will of God in order to bring peace and harmony to your world.
May the Love of God bless you deeply. May you come to know the power of your own instrumentality, the channel of love that you are in the world. God bless you. I am Mary and I love you. I love you dearly and I acknowledge you as lights in the world. God bless you. God bless you all in His Love.