Messages 2024
Continue on the Journey
July 1st, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Indeed we honour you beloved Creator of all. I am Confucius. I come to you once again to speak and to encourage you, beloved souls. Your souls are like embryos, not fully formed yet. But as you have come together in this way, the embryo has formed eyes to see and ears to hear. Each of you will have your moments of seeing and hearing, acknowledging us close to you. Seek those moments. Do not allow the material world to engulf you and take you from that place of soul. Those eyes need to see and those ears need to hear. You must give yourself time to adjust and to open to these gifts that have been given to you.
As this dear instrument has indicated, the development and opening as a medium as a way of communicating with us takes time, it takes time. You must be patient but also eager at the same time. This may sound somewhat contradictory. Indeed they reflect those feelings within the soul, longing and seeking to be opened, the gifts, the blessings flowing in, the gifts being nourished. You must have an eagerness, an eagerness, beloved souls, in order that God may touch you. This is the law, the law of desire. You must want these things and have them come to you with an open heart, an open soul, an open mind and allow them to truly be a part of you.
Your conscious self in the world must reflect these aspects of that which is you, that which is beautiful, that which is truly of the soul. Many, many upon your world have no inkling of what the soul is, but you have dedicated your spiritual life to understanding this very thing, what truly lives within you, what truly thrives within you. God has made a way, a passageway between you and Him, that these blessings, the beauty, the wonderment of these blessings may flow to you and that you may absorb them in all their grandeur, all their wonderment, all their beauty. The gift of love brings life to your soul and in that life-giving blessing, all that is within, which is a very, very great deal within, will flourish. The garden of your soul will come to life and it will be a beautiful garden. It is for you to enter that garden as much as you can, as much as you may. In this entering, in this immersion of soul consciousness, then all your questions will be answered and all your gifts will come to the fore. It is a relationship between you and your Creator that shall awaken these things as you seek His Essence to flow into your soul.
Each of us who has entered into the Celestial Kingdom has taken the same route. We have had the same challenges. We have dealt with the impediments, the difficulties, the biases, the fears and the conditions that are so predominant upon the mortal plane. My beloved and beautiful souls, you have not trod upon a path that was bare and bereft of others. We understand your journey. We have made that journey. Though our perspectives and our actions may have been unique, the path itself is not. It is laid bare for every soul to trod upon if they so choose. You have chosen this path, the path of love, the path of soul awakening, the path that says to the mind and the intellect, “No, you are not everything. There is much more to me than this.”
You have come to realise this and you have come to accept and acknowledge this deeper part of yourself that hungers for love, the Love of God, that hungers for truth, the Truth of God, that hungers for joy, the joy that comes with His Love, wiping away the tears, the anguish and the problems, bringing in instead, joy and knowledge. The knowing of the soul is a powerful thing. It is a great antidote to the struggles of the mind and it brings truth and strength, insight and wisdom.
So my beloved and beautiful, beautiful little birds of light, I say to you, continue upon the journey seeking the morsels that God feeds you to empower you to fly and seek the higher realms of truth. In this, your unformed soul will become formed and awakened and you will know yourself as a different being. That expression of who you are will change in accordance with this process of transformation and awakening. You must accept this and realise that you travel upon this beautiful path that many are not aware exists. Yet, you have found it. You have found it and you have claimed it. My beautiful and beloved friends, shall we travel together? We know the road you are taking. We know it well and we know each of you. We know you well. Our love for you grows as we see you take those steps forward, as we see you pray and continuously ask for the great gift of Love from our Heavenly Father. We see as your eyes open, your ears, your way of knowing and understanding the truth continue to open and widen, deepen and broaden in the Truth of God’s Love. Your wings are forming. Your feathers and plumage become bright in truth, unique to you and so beautiful.
Continue to seek to spread your wings, to take that flight, seeking to be closer to God, seeking to be in greater light, seeking to be free from the shackles of this world and seeking to know the joy of further at-onement with God. In this, all else will come into its own way of being, its own expression. It is in harmony with who you are and the unique creation that God has made. You will be that creation in the fullness, in the plumage, in the wonderment of your beautiful being. As we witness the birth of this, it brings us joy. It brings us to that place that as we make our efforts on your behalf, we see that there is a reward, not only for you but for us, for the world, for the universe for you are fulfilling the great Law of Progression. You are walking upon this road acknowledging this law and forging ahead without reluctance and fear, instead, enthusiasm and joy.
Be that beautiful, beautiful being that you are meant to be. We will do all in our power to help uplift you and protect you, to support you and to teach you, to show you the way. Love will pour down from the great Soul of God into you, around you and upon the road that will be lit by Love. The angels will accompany you and the beloved Master will shine forth in loving approval for your efforts. God has given you a great gift and God is showing you the way to the fulfilment of your soul’s desires. Be in that joy. The revelations of the soul will come to you and you will know the fulfilment, deep, deep fulfilment of your blessed and beautiful soul. God bless you on this journey.
Yes, dear daughter, (Lorraine) I am close often and you build for yourself a sanctuary of light. You see our efforts to support you in this. Your efforts are bearing fruit and God is providing the ways and the means to support you in this. You will welcome many souls, seeking sanctuary, seeking truth and as they enter into the gates of your beloved sanctuary, your Happy Days, then they will feel and be drawn to the truth of love, the respite of love, the empowerment of love, the healing of love, the nourishment of love as they are with you and share with you the glories of God’s Touch upon that place. Many blessings will ensue, my daughter, in your efforts, in your beautiful desires to serve God.
God bless you all, beloved souls. Confucius is with you in many ways. I am with you and will continue on the journey with you, continue to teach you and bless you. For the great fulfilment of my soul is the service to humanity and to all who seek the truth. This gives me joy, great joy to serve you, to be with you and to love you. God bless you, my beloved, beautiful, beautiful children of truth. I walk with you as do many. God bless you. I am Confucius and I love you. God bless you.