Messages 2024

Creating Sanctuary

June 7th, 2024

Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your sister in the love of God, Eileen Caddy. I am drawn to this discussion and to this group and perhaps I can offer some guidance that you so desire. As you may know all of the guidance I received in the creation of Findhorn, was received in prayer. Sometimes very specific instructions were given and what was so amazing was that people came with their gifts and everything that was necessary and required was achieved. Many people came and discovered that they had gifts, unbeknownst to them beforehand.

How did we manage to attract such a wide array of individuals with a multitude of talents? We invited them! And so, I encourage you to invite the many to this discussion beyond any physical boundaries. The many diverse cultures coming together in oneness in the love of God can create something global in the lattice of light as you have described it. There will be interaction and intersections between groups. Perhaps even people coming from distant shores to assist. And as my brother mentioned Noah and his statement about creating many arks you also can do this. It does take a community. It does take deep prayer, tolerance, openness, and again, allowing.

May all your dreams come true in God’s love as you exponentially expand this great truth and invite the world to join you.

May God bless you. I am Eileen, Eileen Caddy.