Messages 2024

Describes Divine Love and Welcomes Two Newcomers to the Circle

February 29th, 2024

Kona Retreat, HI, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike

May the Love of God flow into your souls, beautiful, beautiful children of the Creator. I am John. I was known as John the Beloved, a disciple of the Master. I come to speak to you of the truth that indeed each of you is destined to find at-onement with God, for you were created for such a thing. Your souls are the road, the ways and the means of finding this at-onement, indeed, as you continue to seek for truth.

This is what you are seeking, beloved souls, to find your true and eternal connection and union with your Creator. For no soul is truly fulfilled without this. You may travel this road, entertaining your mind and the ideas that you carry, all that you are in your physical body and even in your spirit body. But the soul is not fulfilled without this realisation, this awakening that comes with a true union with the Creator.

Your souls have brought you here, beloveds, in this Circle of Light, this prayerful longing for at-onement with God. In order to do so, often you must put aside your expectations and mindful ideas as to what that means to be humble and true to your soul, which is a part of you, a consciousness within you, that is very different from your minds and your ideas of who you are. Discovering the soul is a whole different journey. It is one that requires humility and prayerful longing to God. In this way, God infills, changes and heals the soul. In this way, you become a different creature, one that is not so reliant upon the mind, but one that comes to know the knowings of the soul, the understanding and perceptions of the soul and the soul’s capacity to love as it is loved by God.

It is not a complex matter as you do not need to do various exercises and disciplines in order to find your way to God. It merely requires that you open yourself to God, that you have faith that God exists and that you have a desire to know God and for God to know you. In this interchange between your soul and God’s great Soul where much joy comes. The awakening of the faculties of the soul comes with this and the understanding of what true love is, is awakened within you. You become a different person, a person that is guided by the inner truth and not so influenced by the outer world. In this way, you become a beautiful light, a light that shines forth because that great Essence that is light, pure and sublime, enters into you and grows as you seek to receive it over and over again. In this way, you are redeemed, as Jesus taught. It is not merely a belief in something. It is the act of being with God and receiving the gift from God that is His Love. In this experience repeated many, many times, you will know the true redemption and the truth of love that is the redemptive blessing upon each soul given by their desire and longing to receive.

My beloved children, be true to your soul’s longings. Your soul’s longings have brought you into this Circle of Light. Your soul’s longings will bring you to God. You will have friends along the way, angels from Heaven, those who have been redeemed by this Love and transformed accordingly. We will share our wisdom. We will help to guide you. We will protect you and show you the way. God’s Hand will be upon you, not just for the moment, but for eternity. You may be forever blessed by this highest of gifts, this most beautiful Touch from your Creator.

For many upon this earthly plane, such talk brings scepticism and disbelief, for so many operate from their mindful perspective. Therefore they do not understand what I speak of. Indeed the blessing of God’s Love is an experience, an upliftment, a sense of something that is deep within you. The soul that is lodged within your chest may feel as if it is opened and you may will feel a warmth, a burning, a blessing that will come to you in this area. Or it may come from the top of your head and flow down into your soul. Each person has their unique experience. Each person will find their way to God in their own way. It is not that God judges and restricts and does not give willingly or abundantly, for God gives to each child that desires no matter their past, no matter what condition they are in. It may be dark, it may be desperate, but when that prayer goes forth, sincere and honest, then indeed God responds and that response is His Love.

I ask you today, beloved children, those who know this Love well and those who do not know this Love, to seek earnestly and to receive in these moments of quiet contemplation, prayer and openness. For you have come to a place of light, a Circle of Light. Indeed, we are happy that you have done so, for we desire for many Circles of Light to be established in the world. That others may come and be replenished by these sacred and Living Waters of God, to drink deep and be a part of this truth is to change your life irrevocably and forever.

God bless you, beloveds. I am John and I love you. I am with you in prayer, as are many angels who surround you and help uplift you into light. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you deeply, profoundly and powerfully in Love. God bless you. My love is with you.