Messages 2024

Diversity, Oneness and Geneology

December 2nd, 2024

Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

May the love of God be upon you bless you and heal you. May it lift you up and change you. May it bring you joy where you have experienced sorrow. May it bring light where there has been darkness.

Many come to the spiritual path through their cultures and therefore they’re often attached to whatever morals and beliefs are part of that culture. When one travels to, let’s say, a different country, or perhaps many continents, places that are very different from where one’s journey started, one begins to be more open to diversity, especially on the material plane and one sees that all beings have their challenges and that there is, even on the human level, a oneness in diversity. If I posit this from the point of view of the Master, I will simply say all are God’s children, and I would be stating a great truth, crossing all boundaries.

One can also observe how, in different cultures, there are different priorities, but generally if you go to the root, to the foundation of existing cultures, you will find belief in God, however this belief may be colored. And you will find there is a thread of soul longing around the world to experience love, for the heart to be free, for the mind to be unencumbered. While knowledge of the inner workings of all things has benefited humankind, the lack of progression of spiritual knowledge, which cannot ultimately be comprehended by the material mind, has caused in-harmonies, stagnation and the many difficulties experienced on any given day on earth.

As to the question of choosing parents, I will say that this cannot be simply explained in a way that you would find satisfactory, but I can tell you there is a link, a genealogical link, and a DNA link, and in this, there is the thread to the root, to God. The wonderful thing that you may understand that you who have discovered and you who possess the gift of Divine Love, which is eternal, is that you benefit all those in your genealogical line, in your DNA. One could say you represent the apex of your genealogy, except in cases where a relative may have become celestial and lifted you up.

This connection to God, which appears as a bright, warm glow to those who seek it, has very deep repercussions and they are harmonious, loving and blissful. I tell you these things because despite what you see around you, as a kind of disintegration, sometimes horrific, sometimes violent, unkind, and dark, is actually a very small wound, yet it must be expiated and opened and healed with the balm of Divine Love; this love you carry in your souls that can touch others.

So do not despair and allow thoughts of fear, doubt, feelings of grief, or unworthiness. Allow all these things to be healed in the great love of God. As you receive this love (and as you have been told), you begin to perceive not only the vastness of God’s creation but the wonderment of light and effulgence of grace that exists in your soul and evermore on the journey ahead, which is full of surprises, which is a continuous revelation of wonder. Remember, for those who cannot see, and who remain in darkness, the empathy of souls in God’s love lifts them up. So consider this endless journey and know that we will never fail you and that God’s love, ever gracious, ever flowing, is yours. How wonderful is that?

I thank my brother for taking this message tonight and I decided to deliver it in a way that would keep you interested in who it might be from. I tell you I am your brother Luke, and I come in the love of God, and I wish you every blessing. I thank you. May God bless you.