Messages 2024
Do Not Waste Your Time in Idle Pursuits
February 17th, 2024
Sechelt, B.C., Canada
Received by Al Fike
I come, I am your brother and friend, Jesus. I come to be with you this day, beloved children of God, as you seek His nurturance, the succour of His soul upon you. I pray with you and I walk with you, every day, I am with you. As you grow in the Father’s love, we become closer, our rapport together, you and I, each one in harmony with the Laws of Love, seeking to be free of all conditions that are not in harmony with this law, seeking to be a light, seeking peace, joy and love.
So few see these things for what they are and the power that comes with peace, joy and love. Instead they seek distractions and conditions that are created by the will of man and their foundations are weak. Often their ideas are delusional and their perspectives are purely that of the material mind. Their emotions are scattered and undisciplined, unordered by a soul that is in harmony with God. Humanity is in a miserable condition, a condition that needs rectification and healing. So you’ve sought to be God’s healers, God’s teachers, God’s light in the world. As such, you must heal yourselves in order to be in harmony with the laws of your creation and the Laws of His love. As you are well aware this comes with the continued inflowing of His love into your soul, creating a foundation that is unshakeable and eternal.
Do not dilly-dally about, beloved friends, with a partial commitment to this process of healing and transformation. Truly be committed to what must be a challenging yet rewarding time in your life, to be free of all the impediments of the soul and the mind so that you are truly His children and know this in a conscious and clear way, that the feelings of your heart and soul may rise up into your consciousness and become your mandate for life, a life lived in love, truth and harmony. In this you will know great joy and great peace. In this comes all that you require to be guided and uplifted in such a way that the gifts that are within you and the purpose that God has applied within you may be realised and expressed fully and in grace.
Know the harmony of God’s Touch. Breathe it in. Make it your own and truly be a child of light. This is what the world needs, beloved souls. It hungers for this. It is desperate for this. But without the strength and power of a soul redeemed, at least to some degree in light and truth, then you may not reach these confused and darkened brothers and sisters. For their minds are strong and entrenched in various ideas and perspectives that will not be freed readily without the power and manifestation of your soul’s light guided by God and by the blessings that may come through you by God’s Touch and Will.
Have great faith, beloveds, great faith in what can be and what can manifest through you. For in coming times of great need and turmoil, you will be the rock. You will be the source of comfort, light and truth and God will use you in many ways, manifest many things through you. This I promise you, my beloved brothers and sisters. Do not doubt what may come and what will come through you. But do not while away your time waiting but make this time an active time of prayer, of preparation, of learning and blessings that will come to you. As you grow and continue to strengthen your light in prayer and blessings, God will continue to use you in many ways now and forevermore.
May you be blessed, beloveds that the power of God’s love may awaken you more fully, that you may know the grace and peace of His Touch, that within you wells up the joy of recognition of a soul that has sought to be redeemed by God’s Touch and feels the power of this Touch, fulfilling its purpose and blessing.
We are all brothers and sisters. We shall continue to walk the road of light and truth together. And I am with you always, in my prayers, my thoughts, I am with you. I gather you, my brothers and sisters upon the Earth and I hold you tight to my bosom. We shall walk together and as I walk with you, know that light surrounds you and protection is yours. I am your brother and your friend forevermore. I am Jesus and I love you, beloveds. I love you dearly. God bless you. God bless you.