Messages 2024

Drawing Blessings to the World

August 25th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

I am Augustine. The world needs more of this sort of effort, drawing divine blessings and love to it. For as you are blessed, beloved souls, so you bring greater love to your world, and your families and friends benefit from this. You are cleansed by the Hand of God. I urge you to take your time together seriously with earnestness in prayer. For it is the feelings of heart, desires of the soul, the intentions of the mind that will bring these blessings to you and to this circle. In this way if you are unified, then you may bring a great light that will not only benefit you and those around you but benefit this world.

We utilise every opportunity to bring blessings to your world. For your world is bereft of light and needs great blessings. If you care to look within your soul, you will feel the yearning there, your yearning for God. In this yearning for God, it is important that you ask for the blessing of God’s Essence, the Divine Love. For God is love and only love.This great blessing from God, which is given freely, may be yours and you may benefit from it greatly, greatly indeed. Allow God’s hand upon you this moment.

Be at peace. You come together with the desire to be uplifted, to be enlightened, to be blessed. My precious and beloved friends, students of truth, do not allow the darkness to touch you, but be with God with every breath. In this way you have the protection. You have what you require to be strong in light, to be pure in love, to act in harmony with God’s Will. It is a simple thing for God is all around you. God seeks to bless you. God wishes to bless you with every breath you take, every moment you have, provided you are open and desire this. It is given freely for the depth, breadth and abundance of God’s Love is beyond your capacity to understand. This is where you must have faith. Faith in this give, faith in this blessing. In this way you will find the power, the wonderment, the joy, the awesomeness of God’s Touch upon you, upon your soul. The world knows its mind all too well. The world is entranced by the power of the mind, but this is only one small aspect of who you are. Our efforts and your gathering here today is focussed upon not the mind, but the soul, the consciousness of soul. In prayer, you are able to sound the depths of your soul and put forward to God those true desires within.

May you find your way there. Each of you has an angel by your side to help you and it is not difficult. What is difficult for you is to put aside all the machinations of your mindful self and be free and innocent and at peace together. In this way you open up the door to God, the blessings of God and it comes in a breath, in a fire, in the wind, in a way that you might feel and know that God is present. I beseech you to be with your Creator at this moment. Take this time to be with God and you will find yourself in great light, in deep and abiding peace, upliftment and joy. I am your teacher Augustine and I come to encourage you to rise up from your earthly place to those hallowed grounds that are of God, blessed and awakened in love. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you.