Messages 2024
Drop by Drop, God’s Love Touches the Souls of Humanity
January 14th, 2024
Received by Al Fike
God bless you, my friends, I am Orion. You have asked for my presence and so I have come. You have made a beachhead of light in this part of the world. Indeed drops of light will touch many parts of the world to begin with, to ignite this great change that is coming to your world.
Efforts are made. Angels, stellar friends and bright spirits all conspire to bring light to your world, various places, various locations, various individuals. This is a part of God’s plan, as the light touches the souls of humanity, igniting the desire to make that transition from the mindful focus to that of the soul.
You have all been touched in this way. You have all sought the truth and to awaken within you that beautiful core of truth that is a light that needs nurturing, expansion, and growth in the great gift that is the Essence of God given freely. Think of your world as a lake that is placid, and the rain comes and drops drop by drop upon that lake causing ripples upon ripples, and how these ripples of light on the Earthly plane will touch and reverberate to one another through one another until the whole sphere of Earth is vibrating and resonating with the Love of God.
Yes there is much work to do in the meantime as you continue to pray and ask for God to rain down upon this world the Light of His Love, the Light of His inspiration, and the Light of His healing. So many things and so many blessings are needed. It requires those who initiate, who do your dance for the light, who seek God out. That God may touch you deeply within your soul. That in this, there may be the ignition point of touching others until, indeed, the entire pond is dancing in rain drops. The entire Earth is dancing in light drops, drops of love, drops of love touching every part of the world and souls responding in joy, seeking truth and being inspired by love.
This is what is meant in your world. It is the beginning of a great storm that shall cleanse the world, a storm of light, drop by drop, quenching the Earth, quenching the parched souls upon it, bringing and restoring the joy. The beauty of life as it is meant to be and shall be once more.
Blessed and beloved souls of Earth, you have great need for the Living Waters of God. May you find your thirst is great and that you will drink deep. God bless you, beautiful friends. I am Orion. My love for you is great. I bathe with you in the Living Waters. I revel in the wonderment of it all. God bless you and keep you in light.