Messages 2024

Experimentation has its Price

January 19th, 2024


Received by Al Fike

God bless you, beloved souls, I am Kathryn Stokes. I knew these two beautiful souls that came to my home.1 We had lovely prayers together. I wish to address the somewhat checkered history of this Divine Love movement, as you call it.

It was during a time of great experimentation. Trying to find the right ways and means of dedicating oneself to God, service and to people, George and I tried many ways and approaches. Some were successful, and some were not. I know this instrument has a somewhat dubious perspective about George, and rightfully so. For we were in the midst of our experimentations. Indeed they were somewhat startling. George had a very strong personality and was quite dedicated to this approach.

I was gentle, and I know that this instrument felt more drawn to me than him. We made an effort to come to his part of the world to meet his group, to explore the possibilities of working together. I know George was very disappointed because he felt rejected and discouraged. I believe now that he sees why and how his approach was not in any way in harmony with theirs.

You two, these two beloved souls, are venturing out into the world, seeking to unite people, seeking to bring the Truth of God’s Love into the world. They have had far greater success than we ever did. They have traveled much further than we ever did. Indeed the way, the approach that they have, is far more acceptable and harmonious than what we portrayed, at least at that time.

There are many in the world who were affected by our ministries and have fond memories of prayers and joy, joyful times together. You see God uses any and all instruments who are willing. God does not make exceptions or have judgments. Indeed as you travel the world, all of you, as you make your efforts with others, as you seek to serve God, then you will know what is in harmony and what is not. The results will be evident in your ministries. Indeed there is nothing wrong with experimentation. What is in error is that when you keep experimenting in a direction that is not in harmony and does not work, and yet you persist. You become stubborn and dedicated to your own ideas.

Yet with each effort, there is a great learning. There is a possibility of recalibrating and changing the perspective and approach. The intentions are good and always there, but the outcomes are not always what you would expect. I urge you to continue in prayer to seek your own guidance and to learn to discern between what is your thinking and the result of your own biases and that of God’s Will and guidance for you.

Take the high road. Listen to God. Let your perspective, even that which you believe is completely in harmony with truth, be transformed so that it is of a higher truth and higher perspective. Because you are human, you often mix that which is of error with that which is of truth. You often feel satisfied with mindful perceptions and ideas and gratified by them. Therefore you put those forefront and neglect the truth of God’s guidance, His nurturance and Love.

Indeed, you must grow, learn and prosper in the love. In this way, your expressions and attitudes will change. They must. This is the law. As you see greater truth as you stretch toward higher truth, you must apply them to your life and to your ministries.

For each of you have your own ministries. God has you well in hand. God will continue to guide you forward in these ministries. Indeed, much of what you accomplish for God is not well known by your conscious self. Yet it continues to unfold beautifully. Your precious souls continue to yearn to serve God, to be loved by God, and to receive the great gift of His Love.

As you bring more fully to consciousness that expression of love and service from the soul, you will be transformed and changed accordingly. You will find your way. None of you are lost. None of you misunderstand the foundation of truth. Often those more subtle aspects of truth become intertwined with mental ideas and paradigms that you have collected and researched over the years.

The truth, as the angels say, is simple. The truth will always be simple. The expression of that truth in such a complicated world does not necessarily come easily or simply. You will find your way. God will show you the way. God will put the words in your mouth. God will guide your actions and movements. God will bring through His blessings through you. This is what is important. Not to be a fountainhead of knowledge and to acquire recognition from others. These things are not truly of God. Yet when one is in alignment with His Love and has a measure of progress of the soul, then these things may come about if this is part of God’s plan for you.

There is so much yet to learn, beautiful souls. There is so much to see, know, understand, express and feel. Especially feel. Feel the touch of God upon you. That wondrous love expanding and growing within you. That sense of joy, harmony and peace. That truth that emerges into your consciousness so that you truly know and are a part of God and become His true child in truth.

These things are important. Words, knowledge, those things of the mind have their validity in the world, but without the foundation, without the true knowing, without the love that flows, the words become hollow. The actions become forced and of the mind and will. You must be in the flow of God’s Will. In the beautiful expression of God’s plan and God’s plan for you. In this way, there will be no doubt. There will be no confusion, and certainly, all will flow without being forced and intended by the mind.

It is such a different way, I know, than your world. Many, many people become confused, disoriented and disillusioned because they do not understand these concepts from the very heart of their being, from the very constructs of their mind and the very core of their soul. You must, my beautiful friends, find your way and express the way of God through you being His instruments of love and light.

In this way all that you aspire towards, all that you wish to be in your life, will come about. Not in the way that you construct in your fantasies and ideas, but in the way that God intends, in the way that is meant to be, in the way that is part of His great plan for the salvation of humanity. Find your way within this plan, within God’s Will, within the harmony of living within the Laws of Love, and you will be joyful, fulfilled, and sated in the Love of God.

God bless you. I am Kathryn Stokes, and I love you. Beautiful souls, carry on. Carry on in your efforts. They are so needed. They are so beautiful. You will refine and express yourselves as God’s instruments as you continue to step forward in truth. I love you, beautiful souls. I love you.

Note 1 Kathryn Stokes lived in Santa Cruz, California. When I first found the “centre” of Divine Love activities, in 2000, it was centred around Kathryn and her dear daughter Amy. I only heard of Al and Jeanne Fike in 2012 when they made the decision to hold a public retreat in Canada, at Gibsons, outside Vancouver. It was frankly a shock to me to suddenly be made aware of a previously hidden Divine Love community. G.J.C.