Messages 2024
Faith beyond Failure
August 12th, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, Luke “The Physician”. May you allow, in this moment, the great gift of our heavenly Father, His very essence, to enter into your souls. For, this is God’s desire, that each one receive the gift of immortality.
For those who are in need of a healing, we ask that you set aside your concerns and worries, for they do not assist. The healing vibrations of Divine Love are real, as evidenced in the life of the Master and many others after. And you know his words “by your faith, you shall be healed”. This is when you are in direct communion with the heavenly Father. You may receive this healing in body, in mind, and in soul.
For those who feel that they have somehow failed or perhaps just mis-stepped on this path of love, please know that what you perceive as failure is something that propels your soul to reach out in hope and in faith and in trust, knowing that God is the healer, God is the teacher. The words of the prophets1 may come to mind when one is confronting a troubled world for walking in the love of God and being anointed as one in Christ, carries with it such a deep blessing. Your ability to respond only requires an open heart, knowing as you step forward in each moment, staying in your heart, allowing the love in your souls to guide you, remaining in the flow of grace, that all things are embraced and that every misstep can propel you on in a deeper longing. For, even a broken heart can open like a rose in the blessings of the Father’s love.
I tell you as your brother your success is assured, your entry into God’s celestial heavens is your future, your destiny. Rejoice in that. Know that you are loved beyond measure by the heavenly Father and by all of us here in the celestial realm, who watch over you and are at your beck and call. So remember to ask and we shall come.
May God bless each one in this beautiful circle. I am your brother in Christ and your friend on this endless journey in the love of God. I am Luke. Be at peace.
Note 1
Two quotes:
Ezekiel 11:19 “I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.”
2 Corinthians 3:16 “But the moment one turns to the Lord with an open heart, the veil is lifted and they see.”
So what is Divine Love?
“No man can come to the Father’s Love, except he be born again. This is the great and fundamental Truth which men must learn and believe, for without this New Birth men cannot partake of the Divine Essence of God’s Love, which, when possessed by a man, makes him at one with the Father. This Love comes to man by the workings of the Holy Ghost, causing this love to flow into the heart and soul, and filling it, so that all sin and error must be eradicated.
I am not going to tell tonight just how this working of the spirit operates, but, I say, if a man will pray to the Father and believe, and earnestly ask that this Love be given him, he will receive it; and when it comes into his soul he will realize it.
Let not men think that by any effort of their own they can come into this union with the Father, because they cannot. No river can rise higher than its source; and no man who has only the natural love and filled with error can of his own powers cause that natural love to partake of the Divine, or his nature to be relieved of such sin and error. ”