Messages 2024
Faith over Fear
November 22nd, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
My dear brothers and sisters, I come in the love of God. I am Yogananda.
You’ve heard the expression ‘faith over fear’, the deeper meaning which is that when one connects their soul with God’s soul, receives His love, and feels His presence, this creates true faith. And for one who has had the experience of feeling the love of God, (as has been informed by our dear sister Clare), if one could not feel the love of God, the presence, one might not know of its existence. This experience, now a part of one’s soul creates faith and trust, and faith engenders courage, the courage to take a leap forward, knowing that you are protected, knowing that God will provide.
In my time on earth, my guru, sending me to America, or shall I just say the West, to teach Kriya yoga and all of its benefits of healing, of peace, I studied the teachings of Jesus, and I began to include in my meditation the longing from my soul to be at one with the Creator. Simultaneously I encouraged my students to talk to God, to send all the love in your being to the Creator, to feel the love of God, and then be in God’s presence. So, you see, my teaching had a human side and a divine side.
Now, as all who find themselves in spirit discover some things they believed in were in error, and it is true, I did believe in reincarnation, but my teachers spoke to me when I crossed over, and as I have said before through this brother, it was quite obvious that none of them, none of my family, none of even the ancient ones had ever reincarnated. And so, I dropped that belief. I also had some very Eastern thoughts about the Master that were consistent with the sometimes-erroneous Hindu point of view, but I should say, he was always a teacher to me, and as I have said through this brother, the greatest, the most progressed, and the highest.
From where we are in God’s celestial heavens, so many transformed in God’s love, we are able to guide you in many ways whenever you call. And so, I wished to speak through this brother because he understood the language of the East, as does my dear sister1 here, who has also received messages from me. For, our wish is to include all, and I can tell you the Master’s wish has always embraced all religions, all points of view, beyond where he started as a Jewish rabbi.
What I had informed my brother the other day, was about fear and how it is built-in to the human condition, this self-preservation, this protection from predators, from danger, and this is the positive side of being fearful, for it sustains life and allows the propagation of human life. And yet, when one pursues the life beyond the earth, when one aspires to be transformed and progress to the celestial heavens by receiving the essence of God, (His love,) that grace dispels fear, creates faith, and thus we say, “Faith over fear”.
Lastly, I say, the more that you speak to God, pray to God, open your hearts, allow your souls to be in at-one-ment, the more you shall be closer to the celestial heavens and your transition into spirit be fearless. For, if you examine not only the messages you have received from celestial angels, but also even the writings of those who have temporarily crossed over in what is called ‘near-death experiences’ they speak of the calm, of the light, of the great peace in spirit, most of them not wishing to return to the earth plane. Those of you who have made the divine connection, your experience, your greeting will be beyond your wildest dreams and effulgent with the love of God.
I thank you for letting me speak to such a beautiful circle and allowing me to clarify a few things. I am your brother, in Christ, an inhabitant of the celestial kingdom, as well as your eternal friend. May the love of God be upon you, in you, surround you, through you. I love you. I am Yogananda.
Note 1 Maureen Cardoso