Messages 2024

Following God’s Will and the Law of Progression

July 5th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

God will bless everything you do, my beloved students, if you allow it to be so. I am your teacher, Augustine. The Will of God is not some rigid, demanding thing. It is the seed, the core of intention from God manifest through each one of you, each soul who is willing to listen to the Will of God. In this, the individual expression of that Will is allowed and encouraged. For God created unique souls to express the flow of life, to express God’s intentions in life. Thus, that expression will be unique. It will move within the parameters of God’s Will, but there is flexibility and there is possibility of expression.

My beloved and beautiful students, do not feel as if you must get everything exactly right. The Will of God, namely God’s intentions at times, are specific and you will receive the details of that if you are willing to listen.

But often it is not. It is a general direction, an idea, an expression that when followed will bring greater harmony to the work that you do in the service you do for God. We follow God’s Will and in so doing, we try to support you and to help you to realise the direction of that Will. In doing so, we are creating harmony together. In creating harmony, then we are designating a path, an expression in a certain direction which is in harmony with God’s plan. In being in harmony with God’s plan, then the road becomes easier and the direction becomes clearer.

My beautiful, beautiful students, do not be anxious. There may come a time when, from the very depths of your being, there is a sense of urgency, for timing is often important. But do not feel anxious because you have done something wrong or you will make a mistake or you will thwart God’s Will. Remember that God’s Will is flexible and that if some goal is not realised, God will choose another way, another plan, another flow of His Will in order to eventually get to that place that is intended. You are not automatons who must march to the orders of God. This is not how God functions. Nor is it how the universe functions. The universe is expression, action and inspiration all done in the atmosphere of love and harmony.

As this instrument is fond of saying, there is never a dull moment. Moments will change, will connect, will be a beautiful symphony of experiences, choices and outcomes that are all governed by your free will. Allso, your desire to follow God’s Will. This co-creation of effort is what God wants. He may bring a kernel of inspiration to your consciousness. In that, your mind and your soul get to work discovering and imagining what this kernel might be, this inspiration might bring. Then you apply yourselves in the material world in conjunction with what the possibilities of your world are. God’s Will is not performed to perfection. But God’s Will, in its essence, is realised if you are willing to follow and to listen and be inspired, and then act in accordance to your gifts and abilities to do so.

God does not command obedience. God does not punish those who are disobedient. God is love. God embraces and even when mistakes are made, no matter how severe, God forgives. There are always plans, my beloved students. Plans continue to formulate as the world continues to turn and express itself in all the myriad ways of expression. Thus, God must be flexible in His universe. Yet God also knows the future and knows the outcomes. That future is not altogether set. For with the free will of humanity, choices can be made that will alter that future to a degree, but the end point is invariably realised. God’s Will is invariably expressed. What that expression will look like is up to humanity and individuals within this world.

God lays before you a garden. It is somewhat bare, although some of the basic structures of that garden are evident. What flowers you plant, what colours are those flowers, what arrangement of the plants in accordance to your imagination, is up to you. You have been given the opportunity to plant that garden. God gives you some direction and some inspiration. God gives you the ways and means that you may plant this garden. God gives you the knowledge of what may, indeed, be harmonious within that garden. But you are the ultimate decision maker. You are the one who expresses the uniqueness of your understanding of God’s Will, your understanding of what this garden may look like.

Do not feel that you are under pressure to be perfect and to have all things expressed in the perfect Will of God. In reality, God’s Will, in terms of perfection, is only a momentary thing. For as the flow of God’s Will continues, there is always another point and another point being a part of God’s Law of Progression, progression forward, progression forward. Inspiration, decision, application, these things come from your soul in conjunction and relationship with God’s Soul. God finds joy in seeing how you apply His ideas, His Will for you, His plan for you. Indeed if you sit and wait for the details, then you will be waiting a long time. You must act. You must express yourself. You must apply yourself. As you continue to do so, seeking the wisdom of your soul, seeking the perceptions of your soul, that expression will come ever closer to God’s Will and a facsimile that is more perfect in its realisation of God’s Will.

You see, my beloved students, you must be brave. Confident in your footsteps, not fearful or addled in your thinking. But go to your soul. Go to God in prayer and the ways and means, solutions and directions will come. Indeed, the way you receive these things is determined by your own individual personality and gifts. The way they are expressed is determined by the same thing. Thus, the expression of God’s Will and the expression of God’s blessings through you is determined by your gifts and your unique makeup, your unique soul. This is beautiful, for no flower is the same in God’s garden. Each is unique. Some look similar, but they are unique in their ways and expressions.

The universe is open to you, beloved students. Seek out the universe. Seek out God’s universe. Seek out the ways and means you may express what God has placed within you. Seek out the ways and means that God intends for you to find your way along the path of life. Seek out harmony. Be at peace and know that you are truly loved, that all that you are and all that you do is love. There is nothing that you could do that would prevent God’s Love from flowing to you. There is, of course, the Law of Compensation for actions taken that are out of harmony with God’s laws. So, therefore, you may suffer the consequences. But the Love of God is always there available to you and the Law of Forgiveness will have its effect as you progress and continue to slough off any conditions that are dark, any decisions that are grossly out of harmony with God’s laws.

Know this, beloved and beautiful students, that as you make your plans, as you continue to exert your will and desires in conjunction with God’s Will and desires, then the harmony will ensue because you will feel the harmony. You will recognise it and you will give a sigh of relief that all is well, that you need not worry and feel tense and overburdened by conditions that are unnecessary and counterproductive in your efforts to serve. Be at peace, beloved students, and know that God is with you. That God’s Love continues to flow toward you. That God’s Will is accessible to you through your soul. Have faith in your soul. Trust in those intuitive feelings and thoughts that come, for they are an indication of God speaking to you, communicating His Will to you.

As you feel this love, then do you not feel complete? Do you not know that you are embraced by God, led by God and blessed by God? All is well, beloved students. All is well. Continue on your sojourn, your explorations and your efforts to serve the Will of God and to be within the parameters of God’s plan so that all will unfold in harmony, effectively and beautifully. All will be blessed in accordance with this.

God bless you, beloved students. I am your teacher, Augustine, and I love you dearly. Beautiful lights in the world, I love you dearly. God bless you.