Messages 2024

Talks About Our Gifts and Destinies

September 7th, 2024

Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike

My friends, may the blessings of the Father’s Love enter into your souls. This is the destiny of that Love. It is meant to enter into the souls of humanity and change them and bring them closer to their Creator. So simple is this creation, this expression of God that many do not understand nor do they appreciate the gift that is being given but you, my friends, you have found your way to the fountainhead of Love. You have seen your way to the truth of it and the power of it.

Beloved souls, I am Josephus and I come to speak of your gifts and your destinies. God has put within every soul, great potentials, beautiful gifts, unique to every soul, unique to the world. God’s intention for every soul is that those gifts and capacities will be expedited and expressed through the blessing of the great Love of God. This fueling of the soul through love igniting and awakening what is within it, expressed in all their unique ways and capacities, to help awaken the individual. Most importantly, to help awaken others to their potential, who they truly are, what God has truly made within them. For God, in all His creativity and abilities, has made wondrous, wondrous things and you are part of that creation. You are part of that expression. When one says, “I have seen this. I have felt that. I’ve experienced something remarkable,” it is an indication to each one of you, that this can be your experience. This can be your gift. It can be something that has created a remarkable memory, a remarkable experience that will fueled your continued growth and awakening.

When you experience something within the soul, utilising the capacities and abilities of the soul, then your curiosity is ignited, is it not? Your desire for more, comes to the fore. In your prayers, you ask your Heavenly Father to help you reach that place of consciousness that is within the soul with clarity and a firmness of awareness that brings about something remarkable, something that is as real as anything else you have experienced in your life. When you are attuned to that place of awareness, when you are truly in alignment with what God has to give to you, when you have faith and trust in what can be given, then you embark upon a journey of soul awakening. In this process of awakening, God feeds within your consciousness, a drop of awareness, a drop of experience, a drop of understanding, a drop of true journeying into the truth, into the universe, into God’s great universe. Drop by drop these experiences come. Step by step, as you are willing and able and desire to know these things and truly be a part of them, to allow your consciousness to merge with it, then you are changed by it.

You come to understand the nature of the universe, the nature of your own consciousness, the nature of your soul and the nature of God’s great Soul. Is this not the journey you all wish to take? Is this not the motivation that you all have? To seek out the truth in all its manifestations, depth and layers of understanding so you are truly in the consciousness of God, the consciousness of God’s universe. This is the destiny of humanity, to reach that place where their limited ideas and levels of consciousness are replaced by something expansive, something that can be eternally added to, something that touches the vastness of God and His universe.

You see, my beautiful friends, there is so much that awaits you, so much that can come as you journey forward in soul consciousness. You must apply yourselves. You must seek in all earnestness this great gift of Love, this blessing that comes from God’s great Soul to yours so that these blossomings, this great opening of awareness may be yours and may be powerful and clear in touching your consciousness, and you may absorb and cherish these moments. In time you will be able to string these experiences together into a true understanding of the nature of God’s creation, the nature of your own creation, the nature of what God is. It begins in small and subtle ways, a glimpse, a sense, a feeling, a vision, a picture, the many ways that God reaches you. In many ways God will continue to open up the possibility of the flow of awareness that may come in the unique perspective of each individual. As you share these things, for some there is a recognition, a familiarity. For others, they cannot relate because it is not part of their experience. Yet, as each individual shares from the trueness and honesty of their souls and their perspective, the big picture, as you would say, is formed and can be seen. The nuances, complexities of these awarenesses, individual and beautiful as they are, make for a formidable and glorious tableau of what is truly God’s universe, what is truly out there in God’s creation which is so vast, so huge in its being that one individual cannot absorb and come to understand fully what it is that God has created. Even we, who have travelled for many years and have expanded our consciousness in such a way that it is far beyond yours, do not truly see the fullness and the richness of God’s creation. So the eternal journey of discovery, of experience, of knowing is for each individual to take, to absorb and bring into their consciousness, their perception of God’s universe.

Together we dance that dance of knowing, of experiencing the joyfulness of sharing, the joyfulness of loving one another, appreciating the uniqueness of God’s creation, accepting and embracing each individual, truly coming to acknowledge their contribution to the vastness of truth, to the vastness of God’s creation. I know it is difficult for you to absorb this awareness in what I have shared. I tell you, you are on a journey that shall bring you to that place of awareness, understanding and appreciation. You will come to that place and know the awesomeness that exists there, where the soul expands utilising its abilities and faculties to truly absorb and experience what it is to be a child of God, what it is to be a part of God’s universe and to have that awareness be a part of you. In this, you come to appreciate how small you are and yet how vast you are in the great wonderment and firmament in God’s creation.

This duality of experience is an indication of a soul’s perception of the truth and the soul’s awareness that they truly belong in the vast universe of God’s creation and are truly loved in the vastness of God’s love for you and are truly a part of the consciousness that is ever growing and ever part of God’s plan for humanity. May you be blessed upon that road. May each footstep bring deeper and further awareness, deeper and further appreciation, deeper and further love for creation and for yourself, that God’s Love may be known in its depth and breadth. Though you may never absorb all of that Love within your soul, you may see how God loves each individual with such a vast expression of His Soul that you are all beautiful lights, pearls beyond price, souls unique in the wonderment of God’s creation.

I am your friend, Josephus and I’m glad to speak to you of these things, though deep and esoteric in their truth, it is something that you may consider. When you come into that place of soul awareness and are aware of the vastness of God’s creation, you will have the comfort that has been brought with the knowledge that has been given. May God bless you in His Love. For this is the way that opens the eyes, the senses, the capacities and faculties of the soul. We continue on this journey together. You will continue to experience and absorb those experiences that you allow yourselves to have, that your mind does not inhibit, instead that your mind joins you within the mind of the soul in this experience with God.

God bless you, my beloved friends. God bless you and keep you in the light, truly, the light of awareness, the light of truth, the light of love. God bless you. My love is with you, my beloved friends. My love is with you. God bless you.