Messages 2024

God Has Given Us Each a Celestial Guide to Help Us Through our Struggles on Earth

May 10th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

The journey is eternal, my beloveds. I am Paul. Each of us have taken our own journeys. Mine has been famous for the twists and turns that I took before I came to God and came to understand the truth that our beloved brother Jesus taught in my time. Yet indeed, as we struggle, as we continue to walk step by step upon the path of life, God is eager to guide. God is eager to love. God is eager to give to you whatever you require to come to Him in supplication, in desire, in opening up your soul to His Divine Touch, allowing the Holy Spirit to awaken you with God’s Essence.

The world is a difficult place to manoeuvre. Your own mind is a difficult place to find God. For the mind sets up so much resistance, and the world around you continues to reinforce the resistance. Yet, somehow you have broken free. Somehow you have found a way. Somehow you see your true selves in relationship with the truth of God’s existence and the Truth of God’s Love. God will ensure that you continue to find your way.

In fact all souls, no matter what condition they are in at this present time, will at some point find their way to God. Whether they walk upon the Path Divine and know of His Love and the redeeming qualities of it, or walk upon the path of the natural man satisfying the desires and inclinations that will bring that individual to perfection. Either way, God is a part of this journey. Either way, whether the individual knows or not, whether the individual seeks it or not, God is there.

Each of you seek out your Creator, a desire, an inner longing to know and to be with God. In this, God responds in love, in nurturance, in sending His angels in your midst, in bringing the truth for you to know and acknowledge and live by. God has always worked for the benefit of humanity. Even though humanity casts aspersions on God, blaming God for so much, God does not take offence. God smiles in benevolence, love and joy toward His beautiful and wondrous creations, humanity.

You are blessed. So, you are blessed beyond compare, beyond reason, beyond anything that you might imagine. This blessing is greater, is deeper, is wider and is more profound. It is for you to discover and come to understand how wondrous is God’s Love for you, and how that Love will, indeed, transform you, awaken you and bring you to at-onement with Him. It comes now. It pours upon you, my beloved friends, and it shall for all eternity be the way and the light in your life.

God bless you, beloveds. I am Paul. My love for you is great. I have great sympathy and compassion for your struggles. For have we not all struggled? Have we not all come to a place where those struggles have been worthwhile, where the blessings have come in response to our pain, our fortitude and our desires? So, it shall be. It always shall be that you will be blessed, my friends. Blessed in love always, forevermore. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds. My love is with you.