Messages 2024

God’s Essence Will Be Given to Each One of You Mightily

February 20th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

May you be blessed mightily with the great gift of the Father’s Love. I am Isaiah and I come to bring my light and my prayers added to yours, to draw the great blessings of God upon us and upon this world of yours, so in need of these blessings. The great breath of God shall sweep over each one of you and change you forever. This is God’s promise to each one. This is God’s commitment to His children, that the Essence that resides within His mighty Soul shall be given and shall be given abundantly; that each one of you may benefit from this gift, this touch from God, and each one of you shall find your way into greater heights of love, light and truth.

This is meant for each one of you. God does not hold back His blessings. God gives abundantly. God’s intention and desire is that all of His children shall thrive in light, harmony and love. And so it shall be, beloved souls, children of God, so it shall be. For great change is coming and as you receive this gift in all its abundance, glory and light, so you will be prepared. You will welcome the change, not be repelled by it, not be frightened by it, but be joyous with the change that will sweep over this world and bring greater harmony in time.

Those of great faith, those who trust in the Will of God, those that understand their own souls, will come to know and feel with deep joy that what God will do and bring to the world will be a blessing, a healing and will bring greater light and peace. In time, as humanity adjusts to a new way of being, a new light that comes, truth that shall be revealed and the nakedness of the souls of humanity so that they may not hide away in mindful conceits, but will find their true selves in the condition that is truly of them. As you grow in love, as you seek to release these conceits, these errors and come into greater truth, so you will find joy in this. You will find yourself unburdened and released from pain.

These things will come to you as you open yourselves to God and God responds to your longings and prayers. You will be wiped clean, beloved souls, wiped of all error, all pain, all conditions that are not of love. You will be free. You will come to know the glories and wonderment of the deep touch of God upon your soul. It comes now, in this very moment, His breath upon you. The Living Waters flowing forth.

Breathe deep and drink deep, and find all that God has to give. In your penitent ways, in your longings, in your grief, in your desires and even in your fears. For even with fear, when you come to God, you have raised yourself up beyond the acquiescence of a soul asleep. When there is feeling, even those uncomfortable feelings, directed toward God, then God responds with his compassion and Love, soothing you and uplifting you.

I do not say that you should fear God, for this is error. But indeed, as you navigate the conditions of your world, often in your heart is fear, worry, and concern. I say to you that God will bring you peace. Those aspects that are not meant to be within you, those feelings that come out of the conditions of your world, will fall away and you will be healed and uplifted in light.

My beloved brothers and sisters, I come to help you, to pray with you, to be a light in your midst. I am and so are you, brothers and sisters all, in the light of truth, in the beauty and glory of God. God bless you. I am Isaiah and I love you. Oh, how I love you. Oh, how you must love yourselves and one another and all the world. For it is love that will heal, uplift and bring greater light. God’s love will change your soul forever. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you, deeply, dearly, profoundly, with His touch. God bless you.