Messages 2024

God’s Love is Working Through Us All

August 16th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

God bless you, beloved souls, I am James. I encourage each of you to continue to pray for the great gift of God’s Love. This is not necessarily a privilege. For the workings of God’s Love, the way in which you may receive God’s Love, is not determined by your personal condition and attributes. It is determined by the laws in action, working in response to your efforts, your desires and your prayers. Any individual may receive this gift. It is not limited by race or creed or even the mind. It is not restricted to those who are in favour of God. It is available to every child upon your world and every spirit within the spirit realms, provided they are willing to exercise the law that says that when your desires are sincere to receive this gift, and when it is done in prayer and supplication to the great Creator, then it ignites the response of the Holy Spirit to enter into the soul the great Love of God.

This is simple and uncomplicated. It is not restricted. It is not set forth by creeds and doctrines that say that one must follow complex procedures, ideas and actions. Rather, a child, one who is elderly and all in between, may receive this gift. It is like the law of gravity. A child or an adult may demonstrate that law to themselves. When they drop an object, it falls to the ground. It is a simple mechanism, although your scientists have devised a very complex explanation for its existence. Indeed they have discovered many truths about it. Yet, there is no need for complex explanations in regard to receiving Divine Love. There is only the act of prayer and desire, opening oneself, putting aside mental biases and conditions that might restrict your experience of receiving this Love. Even though you may experience it within your soul and receive it therein, you may, because of your mental condition, not recognise the gift that has been given.

Much of our teachings to you, beloveds, is to help you get into a condition to be receptive, both within the mind and the soul, so that you may receive this Love and know of it as a gift, an act from God placing it within your soul. Again, simplicity is important within the mental machinations of each individual. The more one wishes to explain, to analyse, to use the mental faculties to discern whether this gift is true and active or not, it tends to waylay the experience. It is important, as our brother Jesus once said, to be as a child in order to enter into the Kingdom, to receive this gift. A child has trust and faith in God. It is an intuitive part of their being and it is unsullied by the human condition. Thus, they receive readily and open wilfully and innocently to God. For most of you who have lived upon this planet for a number of years, you have enshrouded your soul with conditions and pain that make the for understanding, feelings and recognition of the soul to be difficult and obstructed by these conditions.

My beloved friends, we help you to clear away the obstacles. We pray with you to bring the intensity of the blessing of God’s Love to you. I can assure you that as you pray with intensity and sincerity, you will come to know this gift as a powerful agent of change, healing and upliftment for your soul and your being. Do not doubt this, my beloved friends, but have great faith. Have great faith in the power of God’s Touch upon your soul. In this, you will come to know your soul as you have not known your soul, and that knowing will increase and expand exponentially as you receive the great gift of God’s Love. Even though you may begin with ignorance and a lack of feeling for what is happening to you, in time these things will be transformed into knowledge and experience, into joy and awakening. It is a promise that God gives to each of His children, provided they are willing to open themselves to this gift given so freely, so freely to every human being.

My beloved and beautiful friends, my true brother brought this gift to humanity millennia ago. Yet, humanity still sits within the darkness of ignorance and a lack of understanding of it. Even though there are a number of beautiful souls that have received this gift but do not understand its source or how to receive it more readily through prayer and supplication, you have found the key. You are clear within your mind what it is. I merely repeat what is true and what you have already been taught, but I wish to encourage you and to affirm with you that the truth of God’s Love is simple and yet powerful, the most powerful blessing one can receive, the highest of blessings that one can receive. Even though in one day you may not feel and recognise this gift entering into you, another day there will come some realisation. Yet another day, there will come the revelation of the gift of this Love. It is part of the process of expiation, healing and building of trust and faith as you continue to seek and to find in your own way with God, who is personal to you, this gift given, this blessing flowing to you. It will be a clear and powerful experience and a revelation to each one of you. It can only be this as you are persistent upon the path, and it will open you to the wonders of God through the Essence of His great Soul entering into yours.

Continue to seek. Continue to build your faith and your trust in God. Continue to open and be with God in this Love, in this beautiful Light and blessings. God bless you, my friends. I am James and I love you, each one. I acknowledge your hardships, your triumphs, your eagerness and your efforts to overcome the barriers to knowing and feeling God’s Love entering into you. Continue to apply yourself to this truth and you will be rewarded by your efforts, beloved souls. God bless you. God bless you all upon the journey of Love.