Messages 2024
God’s Plan to Unify the Caribbean
January 5th, 2024
Received by Al Fike
Beloved friends, I am Bartholomew. I am very pleased to see you all together, this beautiful Circle of Light and the efforts that you have been making on this island, forging the way, being the example for many. Your efforts will bear fruit that will help to bring peace, harmony and love, not only to your nation but to this part of the world.
We have plans, as you know. We are making great efforts to help unite and to draw in many who are seeking light, seeking truth. Though there are many distractions in your world and in these conditions in which you live many others are drawn to material gratification, having great problems, emotionally, with relationships, with one another, with the direction of their life, and many, many are lost within these conditions.
I wish to tell you that the work is great to help unravel this great knot of error, confusion and all conditions that are not of God. You form a beachhead of light in a dark place. You feel the upliftment and the blessings that come with your efforts, with your own personal upliftment. As you receive the great gift of God’s Love in your soul, so you feel the changes that are happening. The angels come close. We all come close and gather around you to protect you and to bring blessings of God to you. It is for you to open yourself to these things.
As you pray in Circles of Light so you awaken yourselves to the possibilities and the power of God’s Touch to awaken you, to heal you, to comfort you, to bring His Love into your hearts fully, that you may expand in this love, that you may see through the eyes of love, that you may know the truth of love, that you may have the wisdom of the soul awakened, and many other faculties within it. It is for you to continue to strive to receive this great Love in order to awaken your soul to all its potentials and possibilities. It is for you to practice the truth that you have come to know and to be close to God as much as you can. As often as you can, I urge you to pray, to be with God, even if it is just for a moment. You reinforce the truth within yourself. You reinforce the light around you. You draw us ever closer with these efforts of prayer.
We begin another session, another time together, a great Circle of Light to help teach, to help demonstrate the truth. This is how God will work. Bringing those who are in need, some are very lost, some are curious, some know within their heart that this is a path worth traveling. Indeed you must open yourselves to all who come in a loving embrace, accepting and bringing those together who will form this great Portal of Light that will bless and bring the healing that is desired and required.
Much will be accomplished as you are together. Indeed you do not require these two precious souls to accomplish these things. Yet, these beautiful souls who come from far off lands have come to affirm to you that you are walking the path of love. In so doing, the support and the acknowledgement comes. God’s blessings through His instruments come readily and fully upon you.
Yes there are many more souls who are in need of this, many more who are seeking and yet know not where to seek. There are many more in need of great healing and upliftment, dispelling the darkness, creating the light around them, as you have done, beloved souls. Continue in your efforts to speak, share and be in the Grace of God. In this all will flow within the Will of God. You will know this because as you enter into the Will of God and are a part of His plan, then you feel the joy within your heart, the upliftment of light, the peace that passes all understanding, the love that flows within you, burning away all conditions that are not in harmony with love. You are engaged in this great process of healing, of awakening, of knowing the power of love.
We are with you close as you walk in this way. We are with you in love and light. We are with you because we love you. We are with you because God loves you. We are with you because you are discovering how to love yourselves, how to love one another, how to love the world. The power of love, my precious and beautiful friends, is the key to all that I speak of. The power of the Divine Love is the key to your own soul’s awakening and discovering the truth of love. It comes to you now. Breathe it in. Seek it. Long for it within your soul and say to God, “I am here to receive this great gift that You have to give to me. I am here because I love You. I am here because I want to know love, the highest love, the highest blessings of all.”
God bless you, my beloved friends. I am Bartholomew and I greet you this day as we continue to gather and to be in the grace of God. So, we will speak. You will be blessed. There will be changes wrought within your being, changes that come within you and around you. This is what you seek. You will become the living testimony of the truth. For you will see what comes of the truth in your life, how it is manifest in many ways, through many others, through yourself to many others. This is God working in your life, beloved souls. He shall for all of your life. It shall grow, strengthen and become the great anchor, the great foundation for everything. God bless you, beloved souls. My love is with you. The love of many other angels surrounds you at this time. We proceed, we proceed in love. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you.