Messages 2024
God’s will and free will
December 23rd, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, your celestial friend and brother Judas. At this time of year, there is a dispensation of light that creates an opening in the resistance that prevails on the earth plane, and this light, the celebration of Divine Love coming to earth is a great blessing, despite all of the materialism and trappings connected with the birth of the Master. And remember, it is also Hanukah, another great blessing.
So, in this context, I would like to say a few words about free will. You all may be aware of the statement ‘where there is a will, there is a way’ and this refers to the activation of the great gift from God of will, some would say will power, that allows one to focus on a goal which may be material success, it may be celebrity status, it may be caring for others, it may be healing and in the area of human endeavors, these successes are much sought after and can be wonderful blessings.
On the spiritual side of things, as in this circle, there is a willingness and prayerfulness to align one’s will in freedom to the great will of God, where all things are harmonious in the flow of grace, and where miracles occur in every moment. From a human point of view this can seem like a subservience one might feel towards one’s boss at work or a teacher, with varying results, of course. And one might feel that freedom might be exchanged for being in the will of God, that one might become some kind of spiritual automaton. I tell you that those fears are completely unfounded and erroneous.
What is really being asked is to allow one’s will to be at one with the great soul of God. It is a willingness to allow the blessings of God’s love to come into your soul, the result being great freedom, great bliss, great joy, and a state of grace that aligns one with the Creator, the celestial heavens, and all who are at one with God in His love.
So do not assume that you will lose something, but rather, know that you will gain everything. This is true happiness, and it can be attained while on the earth. In fact, the more you allow this transformation of your soul, the more the weight of the earth begins to be lifted from your shoulders. Walk in this love, speak in this love, play in this love, pray for this love, and be of good cheer.
What a gift God has given. Rejoice. With all my love and blessings from all of us here to all of you, I shall step back in the bounty of love and light in your beautiful circle, and I thank you. God bless you. I am your brother and celestial friend, in Christ. I am Judas. Go in peace.