Messages 2024
How Important it is To Wake Up Your Brothers and Sisters?
August 20th, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Bless you fellow travellers upon the Path Divine. I am White Feather. I come to acknowledge you and to help you to understand how important it is to be a light in the world, to do what you do in the world. For each time you say a prayer to receive the great gift of God’s Love, you challenge your brothers and sisters to follow you, to wake up to the truth that you carry.
So many are asleep. So many are acquiesced into a place that lacks light, but are comfortable. These sleeping souls allow so much to happen in your world that is not of light. They do not see. They do not feel. They do not hear. They are merely numb and happy with their own ignorance and comfort in the physical sense. Millions upon millions are in this condition. Millions upon millions need to be woken up, need to see the truth for what it is, need to see themselves for the condition they are in. For how is change going to be affected if there is no awareness, if there is not desire for change?
When you elicit the Great White Spirit to bring the Love of His Soul into your midst, into your soul, then you challenge the world. You challenge the status quo. In doing this, you help to activate, to initiate the change that must come. You brave souls out there who are not willing to walk the path so well-trodden, are the leaders, are the examples, are those who will bring the truth to others. Though you may not feel so endowed with leadership, strength, perception and wisdom within your soul, it resides within you as a great well of truth, wisdom, light and love. This is where we all must go to seek the nurturance, to seek the strength that is necessary in order to help shake up the world, bring the world to a place of wakefulness.
My friends, as you seek the great Essence of God, you initiate this truth. You are the channels. You are the harbingers. You are the ones who carry the staff of power and enlightenment. As you come to realise that God has given you this designation, you will be powerful instruments. The beauty and the glory that is within that light will shine through and will guide you forth.
What holds you back, my friends? I know there is great resistance to these truths. Even to acknowledge that there is a God is a difficult thing for many. They cannot see, feel, and know God’s existence. They are too caught up in their material and everyday concerns. Again the sleeper continues to ignore the reality all around them. It is for you to sound the bell, to make the noise, to open the eyes of those around you, though they will not be happy that you have disturbed their slumber. How is this beautiful Earth of ours going to survive if so many, so many continue to sleep and allow the transgressions and the inhumanity toward the Earth and toward one another to continue as it is?
Wake up, my beloved friends. Wake your friends up. Wake the world up, for the time is short and the need is great. For how else will the world survive the tumults and all that which humanity has brought upon itself that is not good and not in harmony? It must be those precious and brave few that are willing to hold the staff of truth and speak the truth, no matter the opposition, no matter the reaction.
Indeed, as souls are stirred, even if it is in a way that is unpleasant for you and them, at least you have given them the opportunity to think and to consider what it is that is truly happening to this world of ours. What it is that humanity is doing to itself. What it is that humanity is doing to all the creatures of the world. What it is that is needed to change this, to make the world whole again and harmonious that it might function in the way that it is meant, that all might be abundant and all might be in harmony.
The souls of each individual upon this world feel the lacking and the need for change. Yet, the mind continues to sleep, to insist upon this false harmony, this false contentment, so that there is no need for action, no need to be stirred and put upon in order to change and to act in such a way as to rectify the wrongs, heal the pain and bring harmony to all.
It is the Love of God that empowers you, my friends. It is the Love of God that needs to empower all. Speak of this truth. Show them the value, the blessings that this Love brings. If they reject it, so be it. It is their choice, but there are those who will accept. There are those who will be grateful to know. There are those who will have deep experiences with God and realise that they too must be redeemed by the great Love that is God’s Essence. My friends, carry the staff of truth and the light of truth all around you, and the guided truth that God will give you and empower you so that those around you may indeed be aware, may awaken to what it is that you carry, this magnificent, magnificent gift that will heal the world.
God bless you, my friends. I am White Feather and my love is with you, always, as you continue to trod that path of truth. We continue to walk with you. Many, many beautiful spirits, Celestial Angels and stellar friends accompany you on that journey. You are the tip of the spear and we are the force behind you. God bless you, my friends. God bless you all in the Love of the Creator, in the Truth of God’s creation. God bless you.