Messages 2024
Humor Restored by Love
May 20th, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
It is I, Charles, your brother and friend, Charlie Chaplin. I come in the love of God, and I come as promised my brother yesterday that I wished to come again to speak. I have progressed now in the spirit world to what you would define as the seventh sphere, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude and such joy.
When I came into your circle tonight, I was so delighted that you were all sharing your stories and laughing with an effulgence of happiness. And you know, every being is seeking this happiness, however misguided they may be. And so, as you receive this love, this gift of God, you can say that your humor has been restored. I looked up this word humor one time because my mission on earth was to bring laughter to the world, to try to see humor even in tragedy and simultaneously I could feel the need for justice, for equality, for kindness. This word humor is said to come from the Latin ‘fluid’ or ‘flowing’ even ‘liquid’ and I find it remarkable that when one is in grace, they are in the flow of God’s love.
When you find something that really tickles you, you have an explosion of energy through your being, and I think the mystics would even call this kundalini. (Charlie laughs) So, you are energized in laughter, and you are also freed because one cannot be in a state of sorrow and grief and laughter and joy at the same time. And yet allowing yourself to grieve, allowing yourself to experience sorrow, and be perhaps less stoic about it allows that depth of feeling, where your heart so wishing to be relieved of the weight of sadness at times, calls out for joy. It calls out to be lifted and the love of God is of course the best remedy for every broken heart, for every troubled soul, and it is available at all times to everyone.
So I say to this lovely circle of such beautiful souls that you can acknowledge your progress with humbleness as I tell you my progress in spirit is a humbling journey, but so filled with not only the love of God, but the support of all the angels in the celestial kingdom. And you have this support, and you have this joy in your souls as you allow humor to be restored and to be in the flow of the love of God. It is a freedom that once experienced will cause a soul to never wish to be burdened again, for even in service, service which one is impelled to give when the love infills them, is no burden, but a joy. So do not assume that any of us are burdened to come to you, but rather know it is our joy, it is our delight. It is even our honor because we know where this journey will lead you.
So pray with all your heart, with all your soul, for the great inflowing of God’s love, that your joy will be not only restored, but ever-present, effervescent, ever-loving, ever-giving, and as the song goes, everlasting.
I thank you all for allowing me to come and my brother for taking this message. I shall step back with the many in this prayer, in this grace, in the love of God. With all my love and joy, I thank you. I am your brother in God’s love, in Christ. I am Charlie Chaplin. God bless you!