Messages 2024

I am the Patron of the Caribbean Isles

January 6th, 2024


Received by Al Fike

I am Bartholomew. I am your patron. I am here to guide all of you in the Caribbean Isles. I have taken on this task. I tell you that you have accomplished much today, even though many of you are not aware. Though you feel the power, the blessings of God upon you, you do not see the details and what is accomplished. I wish to assure you that much has been accomplished. Not only here upon this beautiful island, but on the many islands, your brothers and sisters that surround you and the many who are yearning and have great need and are suffering.

The light has been spread, and has dissipated amongst you all and through you to many. Be assured that your prayers are important, that you have come to a place of great purpose and blessings. I urge you to continue in these efforts, that many more blessings may be disseminated through you and amongst you with your families. As you continue to grow in this love, you will come to know that which I speak of. You will come to know in a conscious way, in a palpable way what it is that is given by God, through you, amongst you, through this Circle of Light. Be in harmony with God, in alignment and you will know much and come to experience much.

You will not doubt, nor will you be confused, but will know the way. God will ensure that you will know the way. God will find a way for you to understand in the way that you may understand, in the way that is unique to you, if you pray for this, if you seek this, if you are true to the longings of your soul. My beloved friends, God does not judge you. God merely wishes to love you, love you beyond recognition, love you beyond understanding, love you forevermore. The power of His Love, the unique and beautiful blessing of His Love, will continue to touch you again and again, evermore powerful, evermore beautiful. You will come to see the glory of the Divine Path towards at-one-ment. It is yours given freely. It is yours for the asking. I urge you, beloved souls, to ask with your prayers, each and every day, to be with God in prayer, in faith, in love.

May you be blessed, beloved souls. I am Bartholomew and I am here to help to assist you on the journey, to teach you as you continue to grow, to be your helper, your friend, your guide. May you be blessed, truly blessed, beloved souls, truly. God bless you. God bless you. My love is with you always. God bless you.