Messages 2024

I Love You Dearly

February 20th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

May the blessings of our Creator continue to brighten your souls. I come. I am your brother and friend, Jesus. I come to be with you in prayer, to uphold you in prayer, to love you in prayer. For when you seek the highest of blessings, the great Love of God, then you draw to you the angels of Heaven, of which I am one. In this experience and blessing, your souls become accustomed to the Love of God and awakened by it. As you long for and receive this blessing, with it comes further longing and deeper desire to have this blessing come to you.

We are lifted up, beloved souls, lifted beyond the conditions of this material world into something of greater light and glory of God’s Touch. We labour forth in our desires and our will, our efforts, our instrumentality, to hold your brothers and sisters as you are lifted, to hold them up into the light. I urge you to reach out to your families, your loved ones. I urge you to reach out to those you know are in need. I urge you to lift yourselves into light so that they, too, may be drawn upwards into light.

You become God’s instruments in this way. You follow the Will of God. By seeking to be His instruments, you become a light glowing brighter with each prayer, with each desire to awaken. Be cleansed by the Love. You are His children. We are all His children. Some of us are elders, while others just begin upon this journey. Yet, we form a great family of love. We seek for the same things, beloved souls. We understand what it is that we long for, for we have experienced the fruition of that longing and the Touch of our Heavenly Father. We will know the glories of His Touch, the Love that comes like Living Waters quenching the thirst of our soul.

We seek to open to gifts and faculties within our souls that are awakened by this Love. The birthing of these beautiful things within are witnessed and nurtured by the angels of the Celestial Kingdom. How blessed you are, beloveds, to know this so young upon your journey. Where many are lost and ignorant, you have found your way to truth. You will continue to open to truth in greater and deeper ways. Ways that you cannot imagine at this time, but will become your awakening, the awakening to truth. All of this possible by the Essence of God inflowing into you, all of this given freely, for God loves His children so.

All is awakened because this is your destiny, your heritage, your birthright. It shall be, beloveds. You will come to realise that your true self dwells deep within you, seeking its expression, its freedom and awakening through love. It shall be. I come to you with great love. I come to you because I have great concern for this earthly plane, that it be lifted up. I am greatly comforted by your efforts, your desires and response to God’s Touch upon you. Many angels are diligent in helping to influence those on the earthly plane to come to God in this way.

It is your responsibility, beloved souls, those of you who have traveled this path for a number of years, to bring this truth to others. Do not hide it away and consider it merely for yourself. For this blessing, this Love, is meant for all. Seek to do God’s Will. Seek to speak the truth and be blessed by the inspiration to speak it in ways that others will be inspired and understand. Walk in the Love. Be the Love. Do not allow negative forces to distract you and pull you from this mission, but be heartfelt and true to what you know is meant to be in your life and your ministry.

Do not think you walk alone, beloveds. For you walk with God and the angels and the bright spirits. You walk with many and you are never alone. Do not feel forsaken. For when that feeling rises up within you, know that it can be remedied with prayer, faith and desire. Do not carry resentment, anger, jealousy, judgment for anyone. For these things are the makings of man and dwell within the material mind. They are liberated by love. Allow the Love of God to permeate all parts of you, so that none of these emotions, feelings, thoughts exist, but that you are truly in the light of God’s Touch. In this way, you become pure and beautiful instruments for God.

I encourage you to walk this road. Not in a way that you blame and self deprecate upon your shortcomings, but to have faith that all will be healed, all will be enlightened with love. As you continue your journey, the pace of which you determine, you will find your way to that place of great joy and liberation from the darkness of the human condition. You will find your way to God with such intensity and power that all that your soul’s desire will be realised in this relationship with your Creator. None of these things are impossible to accomplish in your life. All of these things may be given by God, provided you step forward in faith and express the soul-felt desires that are within you. Be with God as much as you can, seeking the healing and Touch of our great Creator.

My beautiful, beloved brothers and sisters, we walk together always. Know that I am close. For I cherish each one of you, each one who makes that effort to step beyond the confines of darkness into light are truly my brethren. I am with you and we are together in light. I love you, beloveds. I am Jesus and I love you. I come with great love for each one of you. God bless you. God bless you all. We are lifted up in the grace of God. Open yourselves wide. Drink deep these Living Waters. Be replenished and refreshed by God’s Touch. God bless you. God bless you all. My love is with you.