Messages 2024

Introduces Eight Angels Assigned to Work With Our Group

May 6th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

How beautiful you are, my beloved and beautiful children. I am Barbara. I am so happy to see you come together in harmony, trusting one another, feeling the inspiration of the angels together. How brave you are! I would never, while on Earth, embark on such a program. I kept my gifts somewhat secret, and I was afraid of influences from outside, dark spirits in all manner of conditions that would derail my gifts.

Ironically I worked with the poor and worked in very dark conditions, but that was a very different ball game. What you are proposing, what you are doing is to open up others to the gift of mediumship. This is not only challenging but it also requires finesse and wisdom, helping those who are eager to understand the responsibilities that they must adopt in order to be successful, in order to reach for the highest and maintain the highest conditions. Otherwise they will indeed drift from this intention and go to lower rapport spirits that are of a different calibre. Seeking for the highest is very important and requires focus, attention, faith, dedication, and prayer in seeking for the Father’s Love.

As you have had your meetings, so have we. We have gathered a band together that will work with your group, not only when you are together, but in an ongoing way. I am part of that band, Alec is part of that band, Seretta Kem, Keea-Atta-Kem, Josephus, John the Beloved, Augustine and Martha. Others will come and go. As you know, Jesus will bless all as they come together. This is a formidable band that will work with you, beloveds.

They will make every effort to help you along the path of soul awakening and development, gifts of mediumship and insight, of perception, of discernment. All of these things that are required as part of your journey of service as aspects of mediumship open within each one in accordance with their efforts and their gifts. None will go away disappointed, none will be lost in this effort. All will become enriched and will find gifts opening and being realised as you continue to work together, as we continue to work together to work with you and God blesses you, each one, truly and deeply.

Love is the key to all of these things. We love you, we love you dearly. You love one another. It is in this love, the great love that burns within your souls that you will find your way and the door will be opened.

May you be blessed, my beloved friends. May you be blessed and know that I am close. I am close. I am happy to be with you. Oh my beautiful children, my son, my daughters, we are family and shall be for all eternity. Know how much I love you, I care for you as I dedicate prayers, time and effort. I bring a channel of healing, light, love and peace to each one of you. I will not forsake you because love never forsakes. Love just builds in power, grace and beauty. We are together, always and forevermore, my beautiful friends. I love you. I am Barbara and I love you. God bless you.