Messages 2024
James Describes His Journey in the Spheres
March 12th, 2024
Ancient Gardens, Queensland, Australia
Received by Al Fike
I am James, James Reid. I am happy to see my old friends and some new friends. To be in this Circle of Light is a blessing and a privilege. So here I am, drawn by those who desire my presence, my beautiful wife and my beautiful friends. I have had quite a journey thus far, travelling from one sphere to another and finding my way. I have been adventuring through these different conditions and perspectives, meeting many, many souls upon the way. What a glorious journey it has been.
I arrived in the sixth sphere and learned much about what scientists have learned there. I have always had a fascination for science and to understand the workings of the universe. So I resided there for some time. But then my soul longed more for God’s Love and I demoted myself back to the fifth, where I am now. Though I am pure and worked very diligently to purify myself through prayer, through efforts to cleanse myself of all elements that are not in harmony, now I wish to grow in my soul more fully and that is what I am doing.
I do not come to the Earth plane so often. Yet I am truly connected with Paula and shall be. I cannot imagine I will not be at any time, even when I continue to progress. For that heartfelt love continues to grow in me and in her. The great blessing of this connection, this love, draws me to her often. But I have work to do. I have places to go and people to see. I am a very busy, busy individual. I thought my earthly life was full of many adventures and busyness. But indeed, in these spirit worlds, my oh my, there is so much to know, so much to see, so many to communicate with. It is my great passion to learn more, to understand more, to be more in harmony with the great Laws of Creation and to be more in love with God.
So I continue upon these journeys, these efforts to grow within my soul, within my mind, to grow within my spirit. The great laws of God dictate the progression always moves forward and that God provides the ways and means of progression, provided you are willing to put your foot forward, to step forward in eagerness and desire, in prayer and dedications. There is so much that can be had because one grows in the Love of God. In this great Love, the faculties of the soul are opened, the capacities to learn and understand are deepened. All of God’s Truths, God’s creation, all the elements of the universe are available to those with the eyes to see, the ears to hear, the perceptions to understand.
It is not so much a mental exercise these days. It is more the exercise of the mind of my soul. In this way, I see, feel and understand things in a way I never could with the mental faculties. It is so wondrous because the dimensions of soul awareness and understanding are much greater than the intellectual and material dimensions. Oh, what a wondrous world it is! Oh, how joyful I am to know the greater world, the world that is beyond your touch and knowing often, my friends. Indeed, when you pass over, there are many options, many opportunities, many ways and paths that you can go. I would suggest that you reach for the highest. That in reaching for the highest, then all things come to you. All things fall into place in harmony. You are able to see, understand and experience the wonderment, the wonderment which is God.
I am glad to see that the Circles of Light continue in your world. For how needed is this, my friends? Very much so, for the world is a lost and dark place. There are lights scattered throughout, and you are some of those lights. It is important that you reach out to other lights, that you connect and bond together. There have been talks about the Lattice of Light. Indeed it is important that this Lattice grows and strengthens. The great binding agent is love. Love your brothers and sisters. Be curious about them. Open your hearts to them and acknowledge them. This I learned long ago and this I practised in my field of medicine. For it is the connection between people that is most important, and first and primary toward the process of healing.
So much in the way of disease is caused by disconnection, is caused by emotional upheavals, is caused by misunderstandings and loneliness and all of these conditions that are part of your world. If humanity came to truly understand the power of love, then they are more than halfway there to eradicate disease. But this world does not understand love very well. There are certain aspects of love that are encouraged and nurtured in the human condition, but these are the baser aspects. The highest of the human world is that of love between the mother and the child. This you have been taught and you know. But indeed, when one nurtures the soul and opens to the great Love of the Divine, oh how that love expands, how one is able to embrace, accept and love another.
This must be in your world. This truth, it exists. But it is not captured within the consciousness of man. So you have a formidable task ahead of you, my friends, to be able to teach this truth, to help inspire, to help bring your brothers and sisters to God. It is not an easy task, for God is not a popular being or a popular concept in this material world that you live in. Humanity drifts away, drifts away from the answers to all their dilemmas, drifts away from the possibilities of being truly happy and joyful, drifts away from discovering truth. Instead they become enamoured by material objects and distractions. How sad this is. Indeed, it is a great adjustment for many who come into my side of life because they expect to continue with these patterns of behaviour, this way of life. This does not exist here, my friends. It is a whole different way of life. It does not incorporate the material, at least in the higher planes of spirit. So, you must teach this as well, that they may be prepared for the great change that will be in their life when they shed their material body.
But as you have been told as well, there are great changes coming to your Earth. That indeed, this material way of life will not continue as it is. It will be replaced by something far superior, far more beautiful, far more harmonious and far more loving. Many of us are being prepared for this, to come and assist humanity as it changes, as it is part of the great wave of change intended by God. My friends, seek to be prepared. Look at your lives. Look at the addictions and patterns that you have. Walk in a way that is released from these things, free from these things and come to that place of simplicity, of truth and of joy. What more could a man want than to be joyful, to be of service, to love all you meet and to live a life that expresses these things? If you can do this, then you have the key to great happiness.
My friends, each of you have gifts and abilities. Indeed each is unique. Yet you come together in a harmony, a desire for higher truth, for greater blessings for the soul. Thus these desires and efforts will bring great unity. In great unity will come great power and a force for change for the better. Consider this, my friends, how you may band together and be a force for change. How you may increase your lights together in prayer, in conversation, in loving one another. There is so much that can be accomplished in groups, Circles of Light, as my dear friend here calls them. Indeed as you meet together and seek for higher blessings, you will receive them. In receiving them, you will find what you are looking for. In finding, you may express those parts of yourself that have been affected, cleansed and blessed by God.
It is not that complicated. It never has been that complicated. Although many wish to describe and add details and ideas that are often of the mind, in order to justify certain things, behaviours and attitudes, this is not the Truth of God. The Truth of God is simple. The Love of God is transformative. The power of your relationship with God will bring all the truth that you need, all that you require to truly be a realised soul, an individual that is filled with the joy of love, the power of truth and the wonderment of knowing, of knowing your dear and beloved Creator. I urge you on, my friends, and I am happy to speak to you. My love is with you. My dear and beloved Paula, know that I am close. I am close and we will be close for all eternity. I know there are hard times, lonely times. But this is just a brief episode in an eternal life.
May you be blessed, my friends, each and every one of you. Each of you are eager souls. Each of you seek many things. Each of you want truth and often you are governed by your mind’s desires for truth. I say to you and I urge you, seek the truth of the soul and know your own soul. In this way, truth will come in ways that will astound you, surprise you and delight you. Many blessings from God are intended for each one of you. Allow them to come and find the true freedom of a soul enlightened and brightened by love. I am James and I come in love. God bless you.