Messages 2024
Listen to the Voices of Hope
February 12th, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, Care. My dear ones, coming together in prayer to receive the great gift of the Father’s Love inflowing into our souls, you have discovered the true gold of the Kingdom - the real treasure.
There have been many words put out there about earth changes, about events taking place on the earth that are so out of harmony and this has brought a certain amount of fear into the vibrational field. Of course, fear can motivate one so if a storm is coming, you may batten down the hatches or you may seek shelter.
We often guide those in very precarious situations, especially circumstances of violence, famine, and storms of many kinds, to places of safety whenever we can. Yet now is the time to listen to the voices of hope, for although fear can be a great motivator, only love can inspire. For it is love that creates the atmosphere of Heaven. Even the human love, two souls finding each other in the bliss of human love, out of their minds often, are so inspired sailing on the desires of their hearts. When you care for others upon the earth, in this way, you lift them up your rewards are great, as gratitude comes to your souls, your hearts so thankful you could help another being in whatever way.
In the Divine Love, the love of God, it goes beyond inspiration, for it leads one to transformation, from the human to the divine, from the mortal to the immortal. This great love that we all pray for embraces all, judges none, leads the soul and the fearful mind into faith, trusting in God. You have been blessed with many guides, many celestial teachers, and as you review what has been given, you will be inspired.
As you actualize the guidance you have been given in prayer, you will be transformed and many, many, are experiencing this transformation. Though you may consider yourself a student, you are also teaching others. Sometimes, even with words. For, the light in your souls does not go unseen, is felt as you walk this earth. When you wonder, “Dear God, what should I do? What will you have me do?” we are sent to you and what we say to your souls is this: “Whatever you wish to do, whatever you are inspired to do, do it with the love of God and it will be good and it will make a difference and it will be blessed and it will be a co-creation with us, with God, and with your soul.”
My dear ones, listen to the voices of hope, follow this path of love, this endless path that leads to the celestial heavens where all are transformed and truly one in the love of God. May peace be upon this earth. May you open to the great love of God that His most holy spirit may bring this love into your souls. I am your sister in Christ, a follower of the Master, and an inhabitant of the celestial heavens, and your friend eternally.
I am Care. May God bless you.