Messages 2024

Live the Truth

January 10th, 2024


Received by Al Fike

Beloved souls, I am your teacher, Augustine. You have had your times of prayers together, seeking to awaken with the gift of God’s Love pouring into your souls, seeking to strengthen the bonds between you, seeking to be clear of all obstructions between yourself and God. God has given you the gift of this time. God wishes now for you to venture forth in your life and be that channel of love and light that He so wishes for you to gather those who are seeking, to help uplift those who are downtrodden, to be God’s instruments, to bring the truth of God’s Love to others.

There is much work to do and little time to do it in. You must be vigilant, focused and dedicated in order to accomplish the tasks that are set before you. Though with your material minds often you do not see what it is that you must do. You must go deeper within yourself and be aware, cognisant of the guidance given. You may act every moment of every day as God’s instruments if you are in alignment with the Will of God. It is not that you will consciously do so or will be physically moving and acting within a certain task and time. Yet, to be in alignment with God, is to be His instruments on Earth. The flow of God’s blessings through you may be directed in many different ways. You may not be aware of this, but you are a part of it nonetheless.

I know that it is important for some of you to be aware, to be purposeful, to have the understanding of each step, each effort, each blessing that comes. This is only human. Yet, I say to you, as you continue to understand the capacities of your soul and soul perceptions you will know more fully what it is that you do and how these things are accomplished. Until that day comes when you are more aware and you are more developed in your awareness, you will have to go on faith and trust that God is using you as I say.

Pray to be used. Pray to be that channel of light, channel of love. Pray that God’s Love continues to flow into your soul. Do so in a conscious way. For this prayer is the most powerful prayer you can make. It is the key to all other things. You must come to know God. Be aware of God’s Presence. Be aware of the Holy Spirit that comes to infill your soul. When these awarenesses are true and clear within yourself, then the awarenesses of how God will use you as His instruments will come as well.

It is important that your focus be of soul perception and love. For how can you speak and teach of these things if they are not truly part of your consciousness, your reality of life? As you continue to open to these things, so the depth and breadth of this consciousness, this awareness, becomes greater. You begin to live within the consciousness of God, rather than the consciousness of man.

It is a challenge that we give to you almost every time we speak. For it is the journey you must take, the road you must follow. Those of you who are dedicated, who truly understand this journey of love, development of the soul and of oneness with God, without the effort to clear away the debris and the distractions of the human condition and truly to be with God, you will not know the depth and breadth of your instrumentality. You will not know the details of these actions. Though it is not necessary for you to know. Yet, within each one of you is a great need to know, a great need to understand and to feel that you are a part of something greater than yourself.

I speak to you in these terms and I encourage you to be in harmony with the faculties of your soul, such a vital part of yourself and so difficult to understand and to be truly a part of. In all ways, in all levels of consciousness, in all acts and expressions within you, be the child of God. So many who have spoken to you, have said these very words, “be a child of God.” You have spoken of that phrase, “be in the world but not of it.” Yes, to enter the new phase, to enter that new level these things must be attained to some degree, at least. If you dilly dally about, at times very much engaged in the material world, and other times making a haphazard effort to be with God, then you will only know frustration and disappointment. For without true and clear commitment, a vital expression of yourself, a longing clear and intense to be with God, you will know the lukewarm feelings and experiences of a mind only engaged in half of what could be within its consciousness, those things of the spiritual, and a soul that is buried under conditions of the mind.

Some feelings rise up. Some warmth is attained, some vague sense comes to you. Yet for many of you who are very intent on being spiritually awake and attuned, this is not enough. I speak to you about what you must do. These are simple matters, simple indeed. Yet you are easily and readily distracted. You enjoy, indulge in and are a part of the human condition that you tolerate and cultivate. It is time to grow beyond these things. I know I have said this many times. I have also said that the time grows short. It is time to act, to truly dedicate, to be in alignment and attunement with your Heavenly Father.

For all that you do to open the floodgates, the doors, to God’s ministrations upon you, you then will develop in your gifts swiftly, powerfully. Much will be accomplished before that time comes when you are asked to be God’s instruments in a serious way, in a dedicated way. The depth and breadth of your efforts as God’s instrument in times to come will very much be determined by the depth and breadth of your dedications in this time, in the times that are near.

I give you this invitation, this very plain description so that you are not confused. That you may know what it is that is important for you to do. You always ask, my friends, “what must I do?” We have told you countless times what is necessary. Yet you wish more elaborate and exotic details as to what you must do. This would be a fabrication, and as you well know, angels do not fabricate truth. We live truth. We speak truth. We give you truth, beloved souls, in the way that you can understand it, know it and live it. As you live it more fully and are in greater alignment with the truth and Laws of God’s Love, then more will be given.

We do not hold back because we enjoy watching you struggle. This is far from the truth. We hold back because if we feed to you the richness of the food of truth, you become fattened and crave this richness rather than the lean and better truth that is simple and necessary to feed upon, to express and understand and incorporate into your life. Know that we love you. We speak these things in love. We speak these things because we love you. We are together in this beautiful time of enrichment, blessings and truth.

May God bless you, beloved souls. May you truly be that instrument of light. May you truly know the Laws of Love and live them. May you truly shine in the love. God bless you. I am your teacher, Augustine. I love you dearly, beloved and precious souls. God bless you.