Messages 2024
Making the mundane Spiritual
December 30th, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
My dear ones, it is I, Care.
I come in the love of God and may it touch each soul in this circle and beyond. To be still, to receive, to stay in the longing of your soul amidst the world’s distractions does require your attention. How does one do this in the midst of a busy world, all the cacophony and distractions, all the suffering, all the news that is less than love? Each one has their preferences, comfort food, and benign distractions and routines.
I sure did and at times I would despair for having left my soulful place in at-onement in prayer and feel as if I’d fallen off my soul wagon. So I began to leave those things behind that were not worthy of my walk, and those things that I maintained, I began to make prayerful rituals. For instance, eating a piece of pizza and thanking God for it, for the day, for my beating heart, for my children, for my friends, for the world so in need. As my beloved knows, I would ask God, I would ask the angels and I would thank them during my walk, imperfect as it was, but oh, so very blessed.
As you get serious about your happiness and you take the time out to talk to your heavenly Father, to ask for His love and receive it, you begin to feel as a light walking in a world that varies from twilight to darkness, or as is in this circle, in the light of God.
I was not able to convince those who were more interested in belief than receiving that they were in error, but I could ask them to join me in prayer, to ask for the love of God, the assistance of the angels, and whatever their beliefs this took a back seat to the love and the light of God. When you do this, your service goes a long way in reaching out to the world, as has been said, so bereft of the truth of the love of God.
But you, my dear ones, carry this love in your souls, this light, and you may shower others with it. Bless everyone, friend, or foe, high or low, rich or poor. Bless this world in need, indeed. Make a joyful noise unto the lord, and if you cannot sing, dance in the light, speak in love, give unceasingly with the love in your souls to this world. If you are to make one resolution for the New Year, perhaps you will consider my words. How I love you and how God embraces you all in His great love. So many angels at your beck and call. I am grateful to be here, and I shall step back in this communion in the love of God.
I am Care. God bless you.