Messages 2024

More Encouragement for Teaching the Truths of God’s Divine Love

June 21st, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

This is a time of great joy for us, my beloved friends. I am your teacher, Augustine. For we see among you many who are dedicated, who are earnestly seeking the prayer of the Father’s Love, the blessing of this Love. We in the Celestial Kingdom know that in time we will be adding more to our Kingdom as you continue to grow and awaken to this Love, as the Love of God continues to cleanse you, purify you and transform you.

You have found the key to enter the gates of Heaven. Many think they have this key. Many have ideas that if they but believe, they shall enter. But belief is not enough. It requires your concerted efforts to receive the Essence of God’s great Soul into your soul so that you may, indeed, have the benefit of this blessing, the effects of this blessing within you. As you forge a personal relationship with God, then this opens the door for greater blessings.

Indeed, you may forge a relationship with our dear and beloved brother, Jesus. This brings a measure of light and blessings to you as well, but it is in the personal relationship you have with your Creator that this blessing will come. Lest you forget, you must ask for this blessing consciously, earnestly and from the yearning and desire of your soul. Paying mere lip service to a prayer for this gift is not enough. It must come earnestly from your heart and your soul to seek it and to receive it. I know I speak to the choir here. You all know this, but I wish to remind you that this is the way and the means to entering the Celestial Kingdom. Some of you do not know this. Some of you think you know it, but are not particularly following the practice. But most, indeed, are within the great flow of Love, receiving and benefiting from this blessing.

Be more earnest, my beloved and beautiful friends. This can always be the case. Be more earnest and seek more diligently, for this will speed the progress of your soul toward at-onement with God and entry into the Celestial Kingdom. It does not require any more from you than this. You do not need to join some group, pay some fee as any of those things are absolutely not required. Indeed, as you join together in this way, you benefit from fellowship, from support, and you are blessed in this fellowship and support. Yet, those you give this truth to, those who are unwilling to join you, merely tell them to say a prayer, earnest and sincere, for the inflowing of the Father’s Love. This gem of information may change their lives irrevocably.

It is a simple piece of information that the very vast majority of humanity does not know or has any inkling of. This is not proselytising. This is merely telling the truth to another, doing that great gift in favour to your brothers and sisters. If they reject what you have to say, it is not your responsibility. As you continue to grow in the Father’s Love, as you shine forth in light, compassion and emanate the glory and beauty of this blessing within your soul, more individuals will tend to listen to you seriously and wonder about who you are. For they will feel a difference. They will know that you carry a gift. They do not know what that gift is, but they know there is something unique about you. For many will feel something that they have never felt before in your presence.

This will intrigue them and they will ask. Or maybe they will not. Yet, it is for you to be guided by God when you are prompted to say the simple words, “Pray for the blessing of the Father’s Love to enter your soul. Ask for this gift.” A few lines not difficult to recite. A few lines more powerful than anything else in this universe. Are you willing to speak those lines to another? Are you willing to take that risk? Most certainly, some will reject you, even scorn you. But you have planted the seed and that is doing God’s work. That is what is required. If you are willing, so a blessing will come when you do God’s work. We will come close as you do God’s work and we will influence the stranger or the individual that you speak to.

The effort is simple, indeed. But the effects of that effort are multilayered and come with many blessings, not only to you, but to others. Be clear in your purpose. Be clear in your instrumentality. Be loving, kind and generous to your fellow man. In this generosity, you will be surprised at what will come in its stead. Maybe not right at that moment, but indeed, in times to come you will be blessed. My beloved friends, you will be blessed. Seek ye the Kingdom and all things shall come to you. As you seek the Father’s Love, which gains you entranceway into the Kingdom, so all things shall follow and all blessings shall be given.

God bless you, beloved souls. I am your teacher, Augustine. Beautiful students of the truth, lights in the world, we are joyful because of your efforts, because you are sincere, because you are a light in a dark place. God bless you, beloveds. My love is with you, my appreciation always. Indeed, I shall pray with you as often as I may, as will many angels as you continue on your journey toward at-onement with God. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you.