Messages 2024

Describes His Appearance and His World vs Ours

March 10th, 2024

Ancient Gardens, Queensland, Australia

Received by Al Fike

Greetings to you, my friends, I am Orion. You have been talking about me and you draw me into your circle. I wish to tell you that indeed, I come from a planet very far off from where you are in the Milky Way Galaxy. I too, come from this galaxy which, as you are aware, is a very large cluster of stars. I come to you by thought, so I do not use a ship, per se, to come. I come in my spirit body, not my physical body, to come and speak to you through various channels and instruments on the Earth.

My appearance is somewhat similar to yours. Although I am, I would say, 30% taller than most on your world. I am very slender in appearance. I have large eyes and a short nose, small but full lips. So if you were to meet me on the street, I would look peculiar, but not startlingly so. If you were to get to know me, think of those times when you had a friend who was somewhat different with some incapacity or aspect of the body that was not usual. In time you would become used to this. You would communicate with that individual without even seeing the difference, and so it would be with communications with me. I am not that different from you. I walk on two legs, I have two arms, I have two eyes, I have a head, a torso, all of these usual things. Because God created a template for humanity, and I use the word “humanity” as including all those with souls in the universe. So I am human as are you.

We continue to be connected in many ways, through many similarities. Most importantly I possess a soul as do you. I possess a soul with certain faculties and abilities, as do you. Indeed each soul is unique. Each individual is unique. But not so unique as to be completely different. We too, are male and female. We procreate as you procreate. We live in some ways that are similar to you, needing shelter and food, social interaction, all of these human things. But how this manifests on my world is very different from yours.

In the beginning we chose love. The trajectory of our progression is love. We know of this great gift that you call Divine Love, this great law in the universe that is Divine and of love is well known to us and we live by it with every breath. From the beginning of our existence, our birth upon the planet, to the day we die, we are immersed in love. We have no cause for concerns, conflicts, friction and disagreements. No, my friends, all is in harmony where I live. I know within your hearts you wish for the same in your world. Indeed we wish for the same in your world. Thus we have come a long way to help you.

There comes a time very soon where there will be great differences, adjustments, challenges and recalibrations on your world. For humanity cannot continue to disrupt and destroy this great creation of God, this beautiful planet filled with God’s creation, filled with all manner of life.

How fortunate you are to live on this planet, to experience the wonders of this planet. Unique in all the universe, because each planet that God has created is unique in many ways although similar in many ways. So we come to help you reclaim your world. To help you reclaim yourself, your humanity and to help you reclaim your soul so that you may find and express harmony amongst you. This in a very basic form, is love. Without love none of these things can happen, no reclamation is possible.

So you must begin with yourself. How much do you love yourself? How much can you love yourself? Indeed, these two beautiful souls that have come to visit you understand the simple practice and capacity to love. They are human as well. They have their flaws, as do you. But, they strive to practise love, as I believe you do as well. Is this not a good beginning in the world? A group of beautiful souls seeking to practise love, to be a channel of love, to be immersed in love, and this is entirely possible. You have heard from these beautiful Celestial Angels, from our dear brother Jesus, that love is all around you and love can be the great foundation of your life.

We cannot teach anything more than this until you come to accept and understand this one vital and crucial truth. To live in the truth of love is to begin the next stage of your evolution, my beautiful friends. This stage will be brought along by many events and upheld by many forces and resources that God is making available to you. I am here today because of this. Your angel friends are here today because of this. The beautiful and bright spirits of the spirit world surround you because God has made it possible to receive, to connect and to commune with all of these resources and individuals that are of love, that are bright and beautiful souls.

You may have a world similar to ours, though as I say, unique as well. Indeed it is God’s plan that this will be so. How long this takes to accomplish is up to each individual, the free will of humanity to strive toward something greater, higher, more of light than what is today. Today is merely filled with distractions, gratifications, filled with a lack of love. All of these things must be changed, must be transformed. The consciousness must shift in order for truth and love to join together in reconciliation of humanity. For without this, you will be doomed to greater suffering. The world will be diminished and die.

This cannot happen, my beloved friends. For this is a vital part of the universe where you live, part of God’s creation. God will not allow this to happen. God would wipe humanity off the face of the Earth if it got to that point of the Earth being decimated to the point of extinction. This cannot happen either. Yet, if the suffering is so great and the conditions so severe, it would be a mercy for God to eliminate humanity from this place. This does not mean that humanity would cease to exist. Rather humanity would cease to exist upon your planet, but would certainly exist within the spirit worlds and spheres and continue to progress in that way.

But I say to you, even though I make these dire predictions and explanations, that this will not happen. Indeed we are nurturing, God is nurturing and bright spirits and Celestial Angels are nurturing many upon your world so that they will survive the tumult of the changes and make for themselves a new world, a world of light, a world of harmony. So we are preparing all of you, beloved souls. You who have gathered here in this small group are but a fraction of all that we are preparing and helping to grow in light and to be a source of light for others. Indeed in time, your population will diminish greatly, yet it will thrive in harmony, peace and good will toward all men, as it is said.

My friends, I urge you to step forward in light. To take seriously a responsibility that you carry along with all of humanity to be a light, to be in harmony with all that is of light. Within you is the knowledge, the ability to do so. It is not a great mystery, my friends. Being in harmony is a feeling. It is a perception. It is a state of being. Indeed as you seek God, God’s intention is to bring to you that which you require to be in harmony with His creation, with Him, with all that is in the universe. This too, is possible. Some of you are well upon your way to be in that place. Others begin the journey. Many are curious. Many are seeking light but do not know how to accomplish this task.

The seekers of the world are many. But they often are distracted by mindful, intellectual concepts and paradigms made up by those who proclaim to be their teachers. I say to you, the truth lies within. When someone teaches you something, even a spirit like myself or an angel or someone else, consider what they say. Do you feel the resonance of truth within you when the words are spoken, when the feelings are present? These things are important to acknowledge. It is important that you acknowledge within you all the beautiful faculties and abilities that exist. Most important is that you love yourself. That true love that says, “I am a beautiful creation of God. I am beautiful. I am a wonderment. I have much to offer the world and within me, is much to offer myself.”

All of these things are blessed by the Creator. All of these things may come with that blessed touch upon your soul awakening you, my friends. Awakening you to truth, to love, awakening you to God’s universe. We have upon our world much awakening, truth, and capacity to live in harmony with creation, and much wisdom. Indeed much in the way of technologies that are very different from yours. Things that are much more in harmony with creation and do not harm the various energetic fields, the material creations, the interactions and psychic connections that exist on your world and ours. Instead we work with these truths and understandings in order to better our lives.

Our lives are more simple than yours. We do not need to exert ourselves in labours. We do not need to have congregations of those who would set laws forth and determine the ebb and flow of culture and society. No my friends, we live in a different world. A world where love is the key and all else flows from love. We understand each other with our thoughts and our feelings. Our thoughts and feelings are not so much from our minds, our physical brains, but from the minds of our souls so that we communicate in harmony and love, deep understanding and compassion for one another.

There is so much more that can be had through the awakening of the soul. As I said in the beginning of this talk, that it is the awakening of your soul that is the next step in the evolution of humanity. We seek diligently to help you to awaken, beloved brothers and sisters of God’s great creation, His children in the universe. All the potentials that lie within you are waiting to be exploited, to be awakened, to be expressed. So the time comes for us and many others to be present in your world as those who are eager to help birth a new world. To help you birth yourselves. To help humanity come to startling but crucial revelations about who they are, why they are and how they may continue to proceed along the road of progression. For all of God’s universe is in a state of progression, of moving forward eternally.

Our desire is that rather than be in this state of stasis and immobility, to be moving forward as you must. To be seeking, to have ambitions, to be in harmony, in loving harmony with one another, as you must. In this way all wars will be eliminated. Your diseases will be very few indeed, and in time, non-existent. Your lifespan will increase exponentially. You will join the many worlds that have come into harmony, seek harmony and express harmony in many ways. This is God’s plan. That you will harmonise with His creation, with all who are in harmony with God. That love will reign supreme and be the currency of your world.

This great plan is in motion. You will find your way within it and be an instrument for it. This is, I assure you, a deep and important part of your existence here. You will play your part. You will find the role that you must have, your purpose and your gifts. You will find the ways and means of loving humanity. These things are coming to you now. You are seeking. You are drawn to them, to each other, to the truth of love. You are drawn to much, because within you is a great desire to be in harmony with all and most of all, to be in harmony within yourself.

I thank you for listening to me, my beloved friends. I am Orion. Yes I come from far off. But for me to connect with you is but a blink of an eye, an expression of a thought to travel all of this way to be with you today. It is my privilege and honour to come and speak. To add my wisdom and my abilities to help heal, uplift and change your world for the better. Blessings to you. My love is with you. God bless you.