Messages 2024
Orion Implores Us to Continue Pursuing Soul Consciousness
October 29th, 2024
Sechelt, BC, Canada.
Received by Al Fike
My blessings to you, my friends. I am Orion. Yes the opportunities to serve are many. God does not just leave one thin opening to serve but gives you a multitude of opportunities, a myriad of ways in which you may serve in love, truth and light, serve your brothers and sisters and bring greater light to the world. That opportunity is given any moment of any day. In fact, not just one, but many. It is for you to open your eyes and ears, your perceptions and your desire to walk on that path of service and to respond to what God is offering you in the way of serving.
I know it is difficult to see, hear and know, for the world insists that you use other faculties and employ them in your daily life. Yet we are asking you to embrace something different, a different way, a different mode to be in the world. So, each moment and each day leaves its choice and offers its opportunities. There are times when you hear, know and respond willingly and other times when you are deaf, dumb and unable to know, hear and understand. This is not because within you the capabilities are muted and not capable of being in the flow of knowing God’s Will. No, you have all the capacities, all the capabilities, but you choose otherwise. You become distracted by daily life. You are bogged down by decisions and thoughts that entail your daily existence.
Yet with this other way, the way of the soul, dilemmas and decisions may be answered and addressed readily with the wisdom of the soul. Where I come from, we do not have that mindful capacity such as you exercise. It has long been integrated into our soulful awareness, the mind of our soul. Yet, we survive, do we not? We exist on a material world, but our existence on that world is predicated by different laws, perspectives and choices.
This is what we wish to teach you, beloved souls, to know the way of the soul, the wisdom of the soul and the journey of the soul. In this way, you may even address practical matters. You may address those situations in the material world that require your efforts or acknowledgement. These things are readily addressed by a soul imbued with love, light, wisdom, joy and peace. Let these be the foundations for your choices and for your perceptions. Let the abilities of the soul guide you along life’s path.
It is not that you will be blinded from material vision or unaware of material conditions and invitations to act. Rather, these things will be integrated into your soul awareness and your soul’s capacity to be aware and to act in harmony with that awareness, in harmony with the needs of your earthly life, in harmony with the needs of your soulful life, in harmony with the desire to serve your brothers and sisters. These things come easily and readily given the right attitude, right perspective and the right choices. So we continue to teach you and encourage you to help you make those choices, to inspire you toward higher ways of perceiving, thinking, doing and being in the world.
You understand this. You listen and you review. You listen again and you take in the messages and teachings that so many give to bring you to that higher plane of perception, knowledge and action. With the inflow of the great Essence of God, you then have the capacity. The faculties of your soul begin to open. The change begins. The transformation happens day by day as you receive Divine Love, drop by drop. It influences and awakens you, ever so slowly, but in time do you not accumulate a great wealth of Divine Love within your being? Is not the storehouse, a great receptacle of knowledge, wisdom and understanding, given to you through the act of this Love, the expression of this Love within your soul?
Think of that central core of your being as the source of all answers, the source of all guidance and the source of all that you need to walk on the Earth in harmony with the laws that pertain to love. You may do this now. Each of you has developed sufficiently to be able to do this, but still you continue to prattle about within your mindful considerations and your fearful ideas of what is acceptable and what will work for you in your daily life. Indeed we can do nothing to convince you otherwise, other than to repeat the truth. Yet, as you step back and forth into the light, into your soul and out of your soul, into the greyness of a mind that has been conditioned by the material plane, so you have success and failure. You have thoughts about your daily life. You have choices that you have made that are not always in harmony with the guidance and Will of God in the flow of your life.
We do not judge you for this, beloved souls. We know you are human, as do you. Yet, we continue to encourage you upon the Divine Path, as you call it, on the path of truth and love. Upon the path where God will guide you every step. On the path where you will know every step with the wisdom of your own soul and its perception, seeing the path before you. I urge you to be in harmony with this. Seek it out. Test it out with every day. As you will see, the wisdom of your soul will indeed bring the solutions, the way and the means of living your life in harmony and being a pure and beautiful channel for God, a beautiful light in the world where others may see your example and acknowledge your beautiful being, the charisma that you carry that is the truth of God’s Love. People will be drawn to you. People will benefit from your efforts and as you have received guidance, truth, wisdom and knowledge, so you may give it to others or be a channel for this for others.
It all awaits you and it emerges ever so slowly, the petals of a flower turning to the warmth of the sun which is God’s Love. Yes, indeed you are warming, opening and flourishing. May you continue to do so, my beloved friends. I am with you. Orion loves you and shall continue with this relationship. I dare say it will last for all eternity. My love for you and your love for me shall ensure this. Blessings to all. Blessings to this world. I am Orion and I love you.