Messages 2024

Our Responsibility to Point the Way to God for Others

February 4th, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

I am Moses and I come to encourage you and to uphold you in the great Love and Truth of God. My people were lost. They had no home, so to speak, and they were restless, discouraged and feeling abandoned by God. Yet God intervened and guided us towards a homeland and my people prospered as a result. Are you not in a similar position, beloved souls? Even though many cultures, countries and peoples are well secured within their homelands, they still remain lost, restless and feeling abandoned by God. Not because God has abandoned them, but that they have abandoned God.

The age-old condition within the human psyche is that of being independent, not needing the interventions of the Creator. So many, many upon your world continue to go about their business under the illusion that they are inhabiting a world that is godless and that their being is a being that has come about by happenstance. That there is no plan, no future. There is no life after this life. There is no responsibility towards living a good and moral life. There is only the stimulus and response of a life filled with distractions.

This is a pathetic life, a life that can only lead to darkness, confusion and emptiness. You who have found the infilling of your soul, healing that emptiness by God’s Touch of Love, you have a great responsibility to walk in the world and bring this message to whoever will listen. To help those who are lost and desperate to find their way to God, and to heal them and to resolve the great dilemmas that lay within each individual.

You cannot do this for them. But you can point the way and God can heal them. This is the way of love, the way of truth. You must speak it and demonstrate it, beloved souls. You must continue to grow in this great transformative journey so that your souls may be reclaimed by God. Yet, as you do so, you may still be His instruments, channels of love, teachers of truth.

God does not expect perfection. God merely wishes to utilise whatever resources and capacities you may possess, those gifts that He has put within you in order that He may utilise these things for the benefit of others and for your own benefit, for the benefit of your families, your loved ones, for the benefit of those who have passed over, for the benefit of spirits who watch and crowd close to you because they sense the light that you have. They sense the comfort that you bring.

You have this responsibility, those of you who carry the truth. Do not hide your light, beloved friends, but display it in all its glory, beauty and power. Express your love in whatever you do, wherever you are. For when you are motivated in this way, then God has a fine and beautiful channel in you. God will utilise your intentions and your gifts in many ways.

Have faith in yourself, beloved souls. Not that faith that is a reflection of man’s desire to be powerful and independent. But that faith in yourself that says: “I have a soul, I am God’s child, I will walk in the world as a light and I am a light.” This is the faith I speak of and the faith that brings you to God every time you pray and desire to drink of God’s Living Waters. Be strong in your faith. Be clear in your faith. Put aside all doubts, fears and confusion. When these things arise, go to God in prayer and ask that He may dispel these things within you.

For the power of His Love can heal you and complete you. The power of His Love will bring happiness and joy, insight and the greater capacity to love yourself and to love all. These are the gifts that are offered by God. These are the gifts that will dispel the human dilemmas and conditions that often bring pain and suffering. These are the gifts that God will use to heal you and uplift you in light.

God gives abundantly. He lays before you a feast of spiritual blessings of upliftment and healing. It is for you to partake willingly. It is for you to release that which holds you from God. It is for you to decide each moment. “Shall I be in alignment and harmony with my Heavenly Father or shall I continue on the road prescribed by my brothers and sisters, so many who suggest that the independent road is the only road?”

This ignorance is a great and terrible blight on your world. For God, in His love, may heal it all. Yet so many turn their back and this saddens us in the Celestial Kingdom. For we know and have known the glories of God, the joys of God, the Love of God, and know that each and every dilemma that humanity faces can be dispelled by this Love, dispelled by forging a relationship with your Heavenly Father.

You precious and beloved souls, realise this and make every attempt to accomplish this in your life. In this I honour you, beloveds. I honour you as do all the angels of the Celestial Heaven. For you show the way to the future of humanity to what God intends, His plan for each soul who inhabits this world. You have heard the call and you continue to abide by this call. You will be blessed mightily, beloved souls.

As the world changes, as you change, the light will grow and your instrumentality will be realised, the purpose that God has put within each one of you expressed. You are His children and you have chosen to be so in a conscious way. God will guide you and show you the way to greater light and truth, to open up those gifts and faculties within you that will be utilised to help teach, heal and uplift your brothers and sisters. Have faith in your journey. Have faith in God’s plan. The future of humanity rests upon your efforts, your desires and your expression of light.

May you be blessed, beautiful, beautiful souls of love. Blessed in the mighty handiworks of God. Blessed in the upliftment and blessings of the angels that surround you. Blessed in the yearnings and desires of your soul reaching forth to God. Blessed because you live, you live in the flesh and are of the flesh and yet, you understand that you are a soul first and foremost and God shall nurture that soul.

May God bless you. I am Moses and I come to speak truth, to uplift and to encourage. God bless you, beloveds. In His Love shall you be blessed forevermore. I love you. I honour you and I am with you. God bless you.