Messages 2024
The Angelic Realm wishes for Physical Sanctuaries on Earth
July 21st, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
It is I, Care. I’ve been sitting, waiting for this moment, quite to the surprise of my beloved, who did not expect me to come this morning. But all this was planned in advance, and you heeded the call of your hearts and your soul longings to be here.
When I was on earth, I was guided to find a place, a sanctuary. I called this “40 acres”, but my beloved reminded me that the numbers 40 and the numbers 12, and so forth, are often used to mean many so in your exploration of possible places of sanctuary I would ask you not to be attached to any given number whether it’s financial, or acreage, or buildings and so forth. What is important is to remain focused, to allow what you wish for your souls. A place to pray to be in sanctuary, to manifest.
Feel free to explore all the possibilities and wherever you are on earth, know that there can be a sanctuary for prayer for guidance. A place with a sacred purpose that God may open a portal that can be maintained through prayer, a Divine connection with God and the Celestial realms. A place of some permanence that souls needing a blessing, a healing, can be guided to come to this place. A place filled with grace. A place bathed in the love of God. All other activities can be decided upon by those who maintain such places.
We recommend that this is done through consensus, although you may decide to have a leadership group. But we caution against allowing any one person to be the leader, to be the decision maker, that all things may be decided in union. Those details are best worked out amongst those who inhabit and are caretakers of each sanctuary; for there will be more than one.
I know you wish to receive definitive information on how to proceed and I tell you that you have already proceeded in this gathering however small because many are here. Many, many are here in support. The angelic realm truly wishes for physical sanctuaries, places of spiritual refuge to be established upon the earth. There are a number of similar places already in existence, but there are none with the foundation of God’s love and this we wish. You know there is a movie “Field of Dreams?” I enjoyed this movie when on earth because the underlying message was, “If you build it, they will come”.
And in this case, and at this point of your planning, I say if you dream it, if you envision it, the means to have such a place, whether it is given or purchased, will come. And once established in prayer, you cannot conceive the numbers of souls that will wish to be there. Sustainable is important. Purity of water. Places to grow food. Place where individuals can have privacy and a great place where all can come together in the love of God.
So, dream on and allow your dreams to become manifest, to become actualized in reality, for we so wish it. We offer our blessings to you in the Love of God. I am your sister in Christ. I am Care. May God bless you and all that you do.
(This message was received by Jimbeau during our DLSE Core group planning prayer on Wed July 31, 2024)