Messages 2024

Practical Advice is in the Asking

September 15th, 2024

Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here Judas.

There are so many here and we wanted to allow our dear brother1 to speak because what he wanted to contribute was in alignment with the Master’s message and the greater work that we do.

My brother here has asked me always to give practical advice and leave the minutia and details to others. And the dear brother in Ecuador who was able to receive some wonderful truths, he would often become so enamored with the details, the specifics and so I would provide best I could to him and then bring him around to practical advice of receiving God’s love. So, when I speak through this one who prefers simple messages, and not only me but other celestials, we honor his wishes and give him what we consider practical advice. So in alignment with what has been received today and what was just received from brother Fred, is it not practical advice to call a friend when you are in need?

As we are your friends in the celestial heavens, please remember how practical it is for you to call on us when you are in need. And I told my brother yesterday, I said we are amazed at how often one is in a dilemma, a crisis, debating what to do and we are available for help and you know when you ask God to make things clear, we are often given that task and we come and speak to you, sometimes in dreams when you are more available, and of course regularly through these brothers and the sister and others, and we delight in this work.

How many souls around the world do you think are asking for our help? The numbers are relatively small. The upside of which is, the numbers of souls praying to receive the love of God is quite large and ever growing, despite what appears to be a world in darkness, there are many praying in their own way for change, for transformation, for freedom, for a blessing. So you are in alignment with many souls in heaven and on earth and your wishes and your visions will become reality, despite the birth pains, the labor pains that the world must go through to deliver this new birth, this new reality.

I tell you, be not concerned about the time. Know that whatever you do in service, is felt and appreciated and please know you are all worthy. There is no unworthiness in the Father’s love. All are worthy. Only your belief that you have missed the mark, not done enough, faltered in some way holds you back. Allow - is that not the word that you use? Allow this grace, allow this love to permeate your soul. Because I tell you, at some point, if you allow it will permeate your very being. You will feel as if a lightbulb. And as the brother’s song goes, sing an ode to the Holy One, shining like a million suns with the love that makes us one. We are all one in the love of God.

I thank you. I shall step back and be in this beautiful circle of such beloved souls. So cherished by the heavenly Father you are. So blessed you are. Let us be in the holy presence in the grace and love of our Creator. I thank you. I am Judas, once of Kerioth, now an inhabitant of the celestial kingdom and your eternal brother and friend, in Christ. God bless you. Go in peace. Go in peace.

Note 1 Fred Rogers