Messages 2024

Practice Soul Consciousness

July 2nd, 2024

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Blessings to you, my friends. I am Orion. I come as do many to encourage you, to help you open up to higher truths, to help you to open up to greater expansion of your soul through these great blessings that come from our Creator. Awakening comes in fits and starts, bits and pieces. Your soul is like a puzzle and various aspects of your soul come to the fore, come to your consciousness and then sometimes, they retreat and you have lost it or you feel you have. In truth, your consciousness has shifted elsewhere.

These things still exist within you. There will be a time when you will integrate and be fully conscious of these areas of the soul that do wish to be expressed and acknowledged by your conscious self. We help you to release the barriers to these things. We help you to become more aware of the intricate parts of your being that you find difficult to understand and acknowledge because they are so very different from the mental state that you carry within you, that usual consciousness that is yours as you navigate the world.

Yet we are eager to help you come to that intricate and beautiful part of you that is your soul so that you find your way to your true self. In finding your way, you may express that true self to the world. God has employed many to assist each of you in this regard whether they be stellar friends like myself, and those who are with me or Celestial Angels or bright spirits. There are many arrayed around each one of you eager to assist you, eager to help you discover your soul, eager that you may truly walk in that consciousness as you traverse the world. There will be a time when soul consciousness will not be a struggle to obtain but be your everyday consciousness. You must work toward expanding your soul in the right consciousness that is God and God’s Love so that this becomes your usual place of habitation, conscious and active in your life. As you do so and trod that path between what you have become as a conscious being and what you will become as a conscious being, then the transformation will take place more readily as the practice of soul consciousness is your everyday expression and place where you function and deal with the world.

It comes ever so slowly. There is reticence within each one of you to some degree. You enjoy your material consciousness, your mindful state and you feel this is the only practical place where you may function in the world. This is not true, my friends. The soul has its own practicality. If the material mind and the soul mind are interconnected, with many avenues of communication between the two, then your functionality and your ability to live in the world will be enhanced, though changed.

Solutions to problems, responses to the darkness in the world, your capacity to see through the illusion that humanity has created, your capacity to feel close to God and to express that closeness and the great flow of love that is there, all of these things will come much more readily with this interconnectedness between the material mind and the soul mind. In time, the material mind will be absorbed by the soul mind as you continue to grow in Divine Love. But in the interim, this interconnectivity, this effort to interweave the two will put you in good stead and will speed up the process of soul awakening and soul expression.

Thus, I encourage you, my friends, encourage you greatly to explore your soul, to take time to do so, to be clear and focussed on this endeavour. This way, you will become those beautiful instruments that God wishes for you to become. This way, you will be fulfilled in many ways, joyful and insightful, wise, patient, clear, at peace. So many benefits from being a soul that is realised and expressed in the material world. Continue to pray for the inflowing of the Essence of God, and you will find your way to these places, so beautiful and powerful, so wise and at peace. This is what you long for inside. This is what will come with your efforts. My beloved and beautiful friends of Earth, continue with your prayers, your thoughts and contemplations of truth and in time you will find the answers. You will be in that place of soul consciousness, easily and powerfully. May the blessings of God’s Love be with you. I am Orion and I love each of you, beautiful souls, beautiful souls, blessings to you.